  >  Daily Journals   >  Day 100 – We’ve Come So Far

“Remember how far you’ve come, not just how far you have to go. You are not where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be.”

Here it is Day 100 of our stage 4 pancreatic cancer journey. 100 days closer to beating the death sentence that was placed upon us 99 days ago.

I couldn’t even see day 100, 99 days ago but for the first time I am starting to see a light at the end of this nightmare rollercoaster. The light is still dim and a very long ways away but it is there. A little tiny beacon that calls to us every night to keep fighting.

And shoo, this fight has been hard. It brings Sean and I to our knees daily but it doesn’t keep us there. We have moments laying together sobbing but we have more moments laughing. We have moments where the pain is unbearable but more moments where the pain is lighter and we are carefree. We cling to those “more” moments so hard these days. Those moments are the ones worth living for and those are the ones we are fighting to keep.

Things are seemingly getting better. I hate to put that in words for fear of jinxing it but things do seem to be getting better. Sean’s cancer antigen numbers have dropped from close to 30,000 to 700. That’s a huge reduction and we are beyond thrilled with the progress.

We just finished with chemo infusion round six and we are currently in the two week holding period before round seven. This infusion came with so many firsts. It was the first time Sean made it all the way through the treatment without a bad reaction at the end. It was the first time Sean was really hungry during treatment (that hunger even continued until day five of this cycle). It was the first time Sean didn’t vomit after treatment. And it was the first time Sean had very little pain following his infusion. It was a great start to round six.

Unfortunately, when I said cancer will bring you down to your knees, it does time and time again. Day five came and hit Sean with the cancer trifecta. It’s now day seven of the cycle and the pain has been full blown, the nausea unbearable and the vomiting has been relentless. The side effects from chemo are awful. Nope, “awful” is not a strong enough word. Let’s go with horrific. That fits the hell that is chemotherapy.

But you want to know something amazing, even through all of this, it doesn’t seem that bad after the last five days of joy that we have had. Yes it is all bad, especially the pain. But that simple five day reprieve renewed our spirit and filled up the hope jar. I know we have a long road still ahead but instead of saying “look at how far we have to go”, I can proudly say “nope, look at how far we have come.”

So to end this post, I will leave you with a quote from one of the best Pixar movies on the planet – “You will always be my greatest adventure.” Here’s to Day 100 and to the many amazing days yet to come! ♥️


  • Patti Wetzel

    June 3, 2020

    That picture is hilarious!! You two never cease to amaze me!!! Much love and prayers coming your way!! Keep fighting Sean!! Those numbers are just amazing!!

  • Mjf

    June 3, 2020

    Love and continued prayers to you guys…mjf

  • June 3, 2020

    I cannot start to understand what you are going through, but i have nothing but admiration for the strength you have to fight this. I wish the best for you. Peter from the U.K. (Highseasescapades).


    June 4, 2020

    Bless your heart — you and Sean…. so glad you have hope, as we all do for you. Love the picture – brought out a smile … sending love and many prayers – may God continue to hear the fervent prayers and send healing.

  • Paul

    June 4, 2020

    Fighting tears of both happy and sad. You two got this. Cancer sucks! #loveup

  • José

    June 4, 2020

    I said a prayer for you today And know God must have hear
    I felt the answer in my heart Although He spoke no word!
    I didn’t ask for wealth or fame (I knew you wouldn’t mind) I asked Him to send treasures Of a far more lasting kind!
    I asked that He’d be near you At the start of each new day To grant you health and blessings And friends to share your way!
    I asked for happiness for you In all things great and small But it was for His loving care I prayed for most of all!

  • Mary Faith

    June 4, 2020

    WOW.. Tears hearing your struggle, tears hearing your incredible strength and love and a sigh of calm and understanding of the jar of hope filling up and drawing strength from it. From a cancer survivor to you, hold tight to that love, that jar of hope and the memories. Never lose sight of that glimmer of light and let that glimmer shine bright and fill your space. I am so proud of you for the strong fight. I am looking forward to the day the two of you travel again. Love to the two of you Sean and Stef. Many blessings.

  • June 4, 2020

    You both are so inspiring, so full of hope and love!! I continue to keep you in my prayers daily. I can only imagine how many lives you touch daily. This journal (that will be published no doubt!) will help others to see light at the end of their difficult journeys!
    Sending strength and love.

  • Bonnie Wesselhoff

    June 4, 2020

    That picture!!! Love it! and still praying :0 )

  • Bw

    June 4, 2020

    You guys are truly AWESOME!!! Thank you for your love of life, each other, and the ability to let us, your friends, follow and participate in this horrific journey! Just know please, you are in our hearts and FOR SURE in our prayers!!! LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH!!!

  • Stephanie

    June 6, 2020

    You two are so sweet. Sending virtual hugs hugs hugs hugs.

  • john rainey

    June 6, 2020

    There is a movie to be made here; one with a very happy ending. We will all continue to wish this for you, meantime…you guys can start giggling and thinking about who you wish to play your individual parts!

  • June 7, 2020

    I love you both. Continue to keep the faith, and always remember that all help and healing come from God. You have blessed so many lives with the light and love you share – your blessing is coming. Hold on to that hope and light.


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