How to Do Stef's Famous Hair Buns Follow Stef, from Sean and Stef, as she shows you how to make double buns in your hair. This is our number one requested tutorial. :) That makes us smile. We've got a lot
Hi Friends! Stefanie and I have started a second YouTube channel called Sean and Stef BTS. This channel gives a behind the scenes look at how we create vlogs, how we live stream, tutorials for things like Stef's hair buns, It's Day 6 of Sean and Stef's Caribbean Cruise on the world's largest cruise ship, the Symphony of the Seas. Sean and Stef start off their day with breakfast at El Loco Fresh. After Breakfast it's off to play laser
We’re not trying to be famous. Don’t get me wrong, it would be great to get free cruises, always have a table waiting for us at 150 Central Park or get a high five from Bugnaked, but that’s not why