What price would you put on priority embarkation, carry-on luggage drop off service, an exclusive lunch at Chops Grille, Surf+Stream unlimited internet, private hours at ship activities, the best seats in the house in the main theater, aqua theater and Studio B, a full service breakfast on the last day of your cruise, priority disembarkation and to top it all off, this was only available to 100 guests? If you answered "Wow! I would pay any price for these perks", you are in luck and the brand new Royal Caribbean Key program may be the perfect addition to your next Royal Caribbean cruise.
Find out more about the perks of The Key and why we LOVED the program below...
Sean and Stef's Norwegian Epic Transatlantic Haven Trip Day 16: April 22, 2018.
Day 16 of our 15 Day NCL Transatlantic Cruise on the Norwegian Epic. We have finally landed in Barcelona, Spain. 15 days from Orlando, Florida. What a crazy adventure. Today we explore Barcelona and then take a tour of the Segrada Familia. Such a beautiful city!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yTecx35dD4 Sean and Stef's Norwegian Getaway Haven Trip Day 08: March 25, 2018. Day 8 of our Seven Day NCL Cruise on the Norwegian Getaway. Today is always the saddest
I'm sure this post will incite a few nasty messages so let me start by saying this is all my humble opinion. I'm not talking about anything other than our specific experiences. You might have the time of your life on the other side of cruising. That's awesome. We've had a rash of bad luck so we altered course. Please allow me to explain:
Sean and Stef's Norwegian Epic Valentines Haven Trip Day 08: Feb 18, 2018. Disembarkation Day (Day 8) of our Seven Day NCL Cruise on the Norwegian Epic. It's time to say goodbye to this beautiful ship and the amazing crew who run it. Special thanks to NCL Crew: Nikola, Mary Jane, Debbie, Hanno, Modesto, Carol, Carla, Solidad and Elisa! We start our morning with espresso on our balcony, followed by a last breakfast in the AMAZING Epic Club and then priority Haven Disembarkation followed by a special surprise in the parking lot. We absolutely love Norwegian Cruise line, we exclusively sail with NCL because the crew makes us feel special. We'd go back on a NCL cruise tomorrow if we could! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSHIeKzmu1g