150 Central Park, Bionic Crew and Meeting ParoDeeJay | Symphony of the Seas Cruise Vlog Day 02
It’s Day 02 of Sean and Stef’s Cruise on the AMAZING Royal Caribbean Symphony of the Seas. Today Sean and Stef port in Nassau, Bahamas. But first a breakfast at Park Cafe followed by exploring the Boardwalk. After that it’s time to go to port. While in Nassau, Sean and Stef meet up with the world famous dynamic duo ParoDeeJay, some really amazing YouTubers. After a quick drink at Sharkees it’s time to head back to the ship. Sean and Stef enjoy a light lunch at Park Cafe. After that it’s time for an amazing dinner at 150 Central Park. It’s Superbowl Sunday on the Symphony of the Seas and Royal Caribbean pulls out all the stops with amazing food and drinks around every corner and the big game being shown on every screen on the ship. After Dinner, Sean and Stef enjoy robotic cocktails at the Bionic Bar and amazing live music at Jazz on 4. A truly incredible day on an unbelievable ship!
Special thanks to ParoDeeJay for hanging out with us in Nassau!
Check out ParoDeeJay’s YouTube channel here:
Find out more about The Key program here: https://seanandstefirl.blog/2019/02/11/the-key-unlock-exclusive-benefits-on-royal-caribbean/
▶ Want to know more about Sean and Stef? Check out Sean and Stef’s Mission here: https://seanandstefirl.blog/2018/05/05/sean-and-stef-irl-our-mission/
▶ Like Royal Caribbean? Check out Sean and Stef’s Cruise on the Royal Caribbean Allure of the Seas here:
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