Cancer, Chemo and Not Giving Up
It’s 3am on Tuesday. I’m in the middle of round 3 of my chemotherapy treatments for stage 4 pancreatic cancer. I haven’t slept in days.
This round has been extremely painful. I do like to imagine that the intense pain I’m feeling is the cancer being killed and scrubbed from my organs. Every time I’m hunched over in pain I try to envision my cancer being brutally destroyed inch by inch.
I’ve finally figured out what chemo is. It’s kryptonite, it’s the culmination of all things sad. It’s a megaton nuclear warhead in IV form. It’s pure condensed evil. It’s designed to help while hurting. I feel like accepting chemo is like making a deal with Dr. Facilier.
For those of you who don’t know what chemo is, it’s a vile cocktail of truly intense meds that’s designed to stop all cell growth, good and bad. You’re essentially killing your cancer while killing yourself.
Chemo is like riding on the back of a missle headed for earth and the idea is to jump up and off the missle right before impact.
There’s been some firsts tonight. I was in so much pain that I lay naked on the bathroom tile, pouring out sweat and was literally begging for death. This was followed by intense vomiting. The vomiting led to my first nose bleeds.
I’ve never wept or screamed like I did tonight. I passed out from the pain and found myself huddled around the toilet a few hours later.
For the very first time I felt like I’ve lost. I can’t do this anymore. I’m not going to make it. I can’t survive another day of this. As I lay on the tile weeping, I entertained the thought of giving up, letting go. Disappearring into the ether. No more pain. No longer a burden on Stef. I would have easily welcomed death’s warm embrace.
As I sat there hoping to die I realized this wasn’t me talking. That’s not who I am. I’ve fought every day of my life for one thing or another. I was bred for this sh!t. Why was I thinking this way? It’s the additional component of chemo that they don’t tell you about. Something about the chemo cocktail has an element of darkness. Sadness, loneliness, helplessness, it’s all bottled in there.
On the positive side of things I’ve found comfort in water. I bounce between my bathtub and our hot tub outside. Water helps more than my pain meds, go figure.
We have an old little 110v portable hot tub that Stef cleaned up and fixed just for me. She literally spent an entire day cleaning it out and putting it together just so I can have some relief. She’s amazing.
I don’t have much else to add other than this is a super tough time for us all. Now more than ever we need to help keep everyone moving forward. If you’re hurting, I’m here for you. I love you. If you need help, reach out. If you need someone to talk to, ask. You’re going to make it. You’re awesome. We’re all in this together, let’s do what we can to lift each other up during these dark times. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I love and adore you all. You’re awesome.
Sean, you and Stef is what I aspire to in a relationship. I truly an so sorry that you are having to endure such pain and darkness. But it tells of the type of people you and Stef are that you can find the silver lining. Keep fighting!!!! And I will keep praying. Marsha
Jill Hahn
Sean, I wish I could take your pain away and wave my magic wand to have your Cancer gone! Thank you so much for the update and being “real” with us. Please know you and Stef are always in my prayers!
kathy spurlock
Keep fighting, Sean! It’s always darkest before the dawn. You and Stef are in our family’s prayers.
Jen Peden
Well if my heart didn’t just break a little.. and then was lifted up in your resolve. Y’all are strong.
You guys are awesome!!! I pray you start to feel better real soon. My heart and prayers go out to you both💜
Sean, you and Stef are an inspiration! Your strength inspires me! Love and the bestest of wishes to you guys!
Jim Zim
It’s interesting the thing you mentioned about the water, and how the only thing that helps in your lowest low point is to be in the bathtub full of water or in your hot tub. I had the exact same reaction when I was going through chemo twenty years ago. During the very bad, very painful moments, the only thing that actually brought me some relief was to take a warm bath. We don’t own a hot tub, but I can definitely see how that would be even better. Besides the physical comfort of the warm water, I think I also liked just being along for a little while in the bath and not having to explain how I was feeling, not having to talk, and not having to listen. Just to shut everything out for a little while and curl up in a ball.
So, I understand what you’re saying and I relate to it!
I just can’t begin to imagine the pain you are going through, but we are all praying for the gift of life for you Sean. Be strong, you can beat this, you have so much to give the world so you have to get well 👍
Maureen & Keith 🇬🇧
I’m soooooo sorry you’re going through this. My sister is going through the exact same thing. 💜💜💜
Ella Williams
I am so sorry to hear about your sister. What is her name? I will add her to my prayers, too. Please give her a hug for me. You guys don’t know me from Eve, but know there is another Christian soul praying for you both. -Ella
Billy Goforth
Sean I’m sorry you are going through this, My wife and I are praying for you every day.
We love you too, Sean! I am so sorry that you have to be suffering like this and are in so much pain. I think imagining all the pain you’re going through is killing the cancer is a good way to view it and probably is based in truth. We need good souls like you on this earth, Sean. Now more than ever. You can’t go anywhere you have so much life left to live with Stef and your entire cruise family! We are here for you every step of the way. Lean on us!
💕 Lisa & Brooks
Ella Williams
All of the comments that have been posted really reflect what’s in my heart. I cannot even imagine the intense pain of chemo that you have to endure, and I am truly sorry. I admire your strength, and your ability to pull yourself out of the darkness to find the silver lining. That speaks volumes to who you are. Stef is a Warrior Princess, your Queen. I don’t think she feels you are a burden to her. Everything she does is pure love for you. The strength you are displaying fuels her strength – you guys feed off each other, and that is a beautiful thing. I am here for you guys, too – whatever you need. Even if it’s in the middle of the night, and all you want to do is scream, I’m here. You guys are not alone, and you are loved deeply for the kind, gentle and humble people you are. I will continue to pray for you. -Ella
Dennis Swainston
Lifting you both up in prayer as I have for many years. Praying that the Lord heals you!
Sean, I am so sorry you are going through this. You and Steph are strong people. Use and pull on each other’s strengths (and weaknesses) to get you both through this terrible time. The best you both can do is use each other until you both win this battle as you both are going through a battle,Sean you more than Steph but it is both of your battle. I am hoping and praying for you both.
Bonnie Bergstein
Prayers continue!! You’re waging a battle – a fight for your life!! I’d be so happy to see you win that fight – but right now I am sad for you – I wish I could take your pain away – let the fight continue without the added suffering! Stay strong, do whatever you have to to get through each round of chemo & I’ll keep praying, hoping, dreaming of your future as Sean & Stef together ❤️‼️
Sean I am amazed by your outlook on life and stef’s as well I know that even though you felt like giving up. You Don’t!!!!! Just remember it’s the “cocktail “ talking messing with your psyche. You will overcome this as you have many things before!!! As always sending strength and love to you and stef #seanandstefstrong
Keep fighting Sesn and stay strong.
Giorgio Sferra
Sean keep up the good fight my friend. Your perseverance and resilience are legendary. You are in my thoughts and prayers for a prompt recovery. Best of wishes to you and your family.
Wow! Sean and Stef my husband and I are praying for you. We watch your vlogs. You all are great! Sean, you will make it to see the other side of this cancer and these chemo treatments. Stay strong. Stay in faith. Believe that better days are on the way. Live in every moment to enjoy all that each and every day has in store for you. It’s in these crazy times that we have a perspective on life that cuts out all the negative and shines a bright light on the positive and the beauty of each day, each moment! Prayers going up for your complete and expeditious recovery.
Kathleen Lingenfelter
I found you two on YouTube when I was planning to go on a cruise! And your right Cancer sucks big time! But just keep fighting! Chemo does work. I know two people that had your diagnosis over ten years ago and they’re still here living life to the fullest! Keep fighting and praying! You two are in my prayers! Can’t wait to watch all your new adventures! But for now kill that cancer!❤️