It’s Ship Tour Day!
Time to explore every inch of the beautiful Carnival Sunrise. I absolutely love ship tour day because I feel like before we had the travel show, we would miss so much of the ship. We always had the same routine and went to the same places. But now, we see it all.
Our ship tour mornings start very early. We set the alarm for 4am and we try to be out the door by 5am. We have found that an empty ship is a lot easier to document than a busy ship. The Sunrise ship tour took us to around 9am. Not too shabby to have everything filmed and ready to go before most guests even were awake. Love that.
After seeing the Sunrise from top to bottom, we have ranked this our 2nd favorite Carnival ship that we have sailed on (Horizon being the 1st). This ship is similar to the Carnival Breeze but the layout seems to flow a lot better. Our favorite thing about this ship are the lunch options. So many choices. If this ship had a Havana area, it would rank over Horizon. We are absolutely loving our time on the Sunrise. We have one last thing to check out tomorrow. Tomorrow we are going to the thermal suite and I cannot wait for that.
After ship tour day, we crashed hard. It’s been a busy 2 weeks with work (very cool project coming very soon…we get to talk about it Dec. 31st 😉). We love doing the ship tours but having an island tour and a ship tour back to back, is a little exhausting. So crash we did. We ended up missing Sea Day Brunch because of our nap. I was kind of sad about that because that is one of my favorite complimentary meals on Carnival ships. But not to worry, we were able to grab some Guy’s Burgers & Fries.
After lunch we spent a little bit of time in the Red Frog Pub. When we got there it was completely empty so it made a great place to sit and write some of my live journal. That quiet was short lived because trivia hour was upon us. No worries, phone down and time to play, haha. We are so bad at trivia. No one should ever ask us to be on their team. I did help a nice gentleman out on a lyrics game. He got the oldies and I got the pop songs. We didn’t win but I made a friend and that’s always fun.
After trivia (and a few more lines in the journal), it was time to head back to the cabin and get ready for the evening (yes, we were at the Red Frog Pub losing trivia for quite a while, haha). Tonight is formal night so time to pull out the fancy duds. I love formal nights. It’s the one night Sean and I feel all grown up. Time to head out for the evening.
We grabbed a quick before dinner drink at the Alchemy Bar. The Alchemy Bar was much more crowded then we have seen so far but we were still able to grab a seat. Drinks were fab and then it was time to head over for dinner. We were gifted dinner Fahrenheit 555 by Carnival (the steakhouse on board). Dinner was good. My steak was perfect but Sean’s was over cooked. He doesn’t eat meat on land so he wasn’t really that concerned to send it back. One thing we absolutely hate is eating separately and unfortunately that is how it is if you send food back at a restaurant. My steak was amazing. Cooked perfectly. My favorite part of the meal is dessert because we always get Art At Your Table. If you don’t know what that is, check out our Horizon vlogs (or wait for this one, hehe). It’s the best and it’s on the light side so even if you are full from dinner, you can still enjoy a little bit of art at your table.
After dinner, we were exhausted so time to head to bed.
Mid-Cruise Cabin Update: we are still really loving our spa interior cabin. The smell…oh the smell. One thing that we have learned is that our door is very, very thin. You can hear everything in the hall. It is so thin that you don’t need to open the door to hear the announcements. Another noise issue is the gym is right above our cabin. More specifically, the weight area of the gym is right above our cabin. So yeah, every time someone “puts down” their weight (more like drop the weight), we hear it. None of these sounds bother us because of our noise maker. We throw that thing on and noise-be-gone 😉
Thanks so much for following along on my live journaling so far. As always I have to give big thanks to our sponsor Your Perfect Getaway by Brittany Watson. You are amazing and we are truly thankful for all that you do for us!
Day 4 coming soon…