Cruise Vlog: Norwegian Epic Valentines Haven Trip | Day 03 | Feb 12 2018
Sean and Stef’s Norwegian Epic Valentines Haven Trip Day 03: Feb 12, 2018.
Day 3 of our Seven Day NCL Cruise on the Norwegian Epic and it’s “Take a Sea Day for Yourself” day! That’s right a whole day to do whatever you want and we do just that. We spend the morning with some breakfast and mimosa’s, watch a free movie, have some lunch and then take a nap. BEST NAP EVER! We then head to dinner and check out Howl at the Moon at Headliners. A totally epic day. Freestyle cruising at it’s finest.
We book all of our cruises exclusively through Mike Lukins at Affluent Journeys. Check him out here: https://www.youtube.com/user/flmike777
Music from Epicdemic Sound. Check them out here: http://epidemicsound.com
Video effects from Rampant Design:
Day 02 of our Norwegian Epic Valentines Haven Cruise:
Check out our Thanksgiving Cruise on the Norwegian Epic here:
Check out our Norwegian Escape Cruise here:
Check out our Norwegian Getaway Cruise here:
↓↓↓ Fun Stuff Below! ↓↓↓
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Thank you to everyone who likes and shares our videos, we love each and every one of you! ~Sean & Stef