Day 3 – Angels Among Us
I think I have tried to write this post 7 times now but each time I have to stop because I can’t see through the tears. No, not tears of sadness. These are tears of joy, hope and love. And this joy, hope and love is coming from all of you. We are forever grateful for all your words of encouragement, pieces of invaluable advice, compassion, donations, and pure love for 2 people that most of you have never met. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much!
Today was a day that started with an extreme kick to the gut but was followed by an event that I can only describe as angelic. Let me explain:
Sean and I both woke up feeling like a million dollars. I know that probably sounds strange but we had the best night sleep of our lives. Sean is still in an immense amount of pain but his spirits were super high. We had breakfast and he helped me clean the house, despite my protests for him to stop. Nope he picked up the spotbot machine and cleaned all of carpets (our house is 80% tile and yet the cats still puke on just the carpet, lol).
Around 11am I received a message from a woman named Lori. Lori is the wife of one of our friends at work, Chaz. Chaz just went through treatment for cancer and she is also the mother of a son who also battled cancer. She sent me a message that said she wanted to encourage me to call the Moffitt Center now to get an appointment, due to appointments already filling up, even without the biopsy results. I didn’t even know this was possible because I thought we had to wait but I read the message and was on the phone calling.
I talked to a woman in scheduling and she took all of Sean’s information and then asked about insurance. I told her our insurance and she informed me that it wasn’t accepted at Moffitt. Ok. So surely I can self-pay, right? Her answer was no. I said, “I can’t put money into a fund or something?” Her response again was “no, we do not accept self-pay patients at Moffitt”. She then continued to tell me that the typical cost for cancer treatment is $150,000. My knees gave out and I grabbed our counter just to stop from falling over. I think she kept talking but all I could hear was the Charlie Brown parents. Nothing was computing. I thanked her for her time and hung up the phone.
At this point, I just broke down. I was shaking uncontrollably from the fear. I had this path. This path that Sean and I had been talking about since we got the news from the doctor and they said the word “Moffitt”. This path was laid out and we were following it and then all of a sudden, someone slammed a wall right in front of me. What do I do next?
Sean saw me shaking and came over and wrapped his arms around me and said, “take a deep breath. We got this.” So that is what I did. I took a deep breath and tried to clear my mind on what I could possibly do now. First step I thought of was I gotta call the insurance company. Before I called the insurance though, I wrote a quick note over to Lori explaining that Moffitt doesn’t accept self-pay patients and I wanted to thank her for giving me the knowledge to call now to make an appointment.
So I am on the phone with the insurance company and I am frantically scouring the internet for cancer treatment centers. The insurance company came back and told me what I kind of expected, no cancer treatment centers are covered under our insurance. Our insurance is great for the typical 40 year old. Break a bone, covered. Get a UTI, covered. Have the flu, covered. When choosing insurance at 41, you don’t think you need to check out the cancer coverage. It’s a shoulda, coulda, woulda situation right? If we all had that crystal ball into the future, we could totally plan for these things correctly.
Back to the internet to search and search and search. And then Lori popped into my head again. Her husband just finished treatment at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. So I quickly typed in their URL to look at their website. I found the tab that was all about billing and insurance. I think I held my breath the entire time I read the page. The words were sort of jumbled on the page. My brain was in a fog. I felt like I read each word 5 times before I understood what it was saying. And then I saw it, “Underinsured/Self Pay”. My heart skipped a beat and I was on the phone 3 seconds after I read that.
The first thing I asked when I talked to scheduling was do you accept self-pay patients. Her answer was “Yes, of course we do”. There was a wave of relief that washed over me. Ok, step one is done. Now let’s talk about appointment dates. The next available appointment was April 8th (that’s 40 days away in case you were wondering). My heart sank again. Ok. If that is the next available date, then that is the next available date. We will hope for a cancellation and make this work. At least we had an appointment with another top 10 cancer center in the U.S.
I messaged Lori once again with the news that we just got an appointment at the Mayo Clinic. She gave me some more awesome advice to call back everyday to see if there is a cancellation. Great advice and I will do just that. I will harass the living daylights out of the scheduler at Mayo and pray to God that there is a cancellation so Sean can get in sooner.
Life went on for a few more hours at the house and I then got a call from an unknown number. I answered the phone and it was Lori. She wanted to ask me about the Mayo appointment and if I knew who the appointment was with. I told her I didn’t know (I didn’t think to ask that when I made the appointment). She then explained to me that it was possible that her husband Chaz’s doctor team might be the team working with Sean. She wasn’t sure but it was possible. She was going to call his team and find out if they could help get Sean in a little faster. She said “I’m not making any promises but maybe they can help”. I hung up the phone and 15 minutes later I received a call from Mayo.
I talked to one of the members of the team and she said they had an opening this Monday if we would like to come in. My heart sank again because I had to tell her that the biopsy results were suppose to be on Monday but that we would have them yet for the appointment. I asked her if they were necessary and she said she had to ask someone about that and she would call back (you want to talk about a feeling like you just blew everything. The feeling of that was your one shot and you blew it). My heart was a little down but no worries, we still have our April 8th appointment on the books.
The phone rang 20 minutes later and the it was Mayo again. I took a deep breath and answered. The wonderful woman on the other end said that they would need Sean’s biopsy report before seeing him, would we be able to come in the following Monday? Happy tears started streaming out of my eyes because we now have a new appointment with the Mayo Clinic March 9th at 7am (that’s 9 days from now if you were wondering).
I know that was a long story but it is one that has a happy ending so I wanted to share. Like I mentioned before, we are taking each day as a day and today we had a huge win. We cannot thank Lori enough times for taking time out of her day to contact a fantastic team of doctors, for someone that she has never met. She is and will forever be an angel to us. At the moment that this all happened, I could only keep hearing the song “Angels Among Us” by Alabama in my head. Gosh, that song is so old but it was the first thing that popped in my head when Lori did what she did. Lori if you read this, thank you thank you thank you. We are forever thankful for your kindness and compassion and we love you more than you will ever know.
“ … now ain’t it kind of funny at the dark end of the road. Someone light the way with just a single ray of hope. “
Love. I am sending lots and lots and lots of LOVE to you both!!! ❤️❤️
Peter Horton
We’re with you on this, the both of you. We sincerely hope the donations both Patrick and I have made will help towards kicking the ass out of this cancer for Sean. Here in the U.K. we have an annual event called “Stand up to Cancer” and I fundraise each year, and will be doing even more this year. Keep your spirits up – Peter
Fred Folson
There you go Stef! Keep it up girl. I love you guys so much!
Amy Stegora-Peterson
I was hoping you might end up at Mayo. It is an amazing facility. We go to Rochester, MN. My husband was with a neurologist and it was amazing how he contacted and spoke to a world-renowned specialist with to get an opinion as we sat there! They really work with you on scheduling and if you finish an appt early, but have hours before your next appt, they will do their best to fit you in. They don’t have all the answers, but you can have confidence that you will be working with some of the best of the best! All the best to both of you.
Jill Hahn
God works in mysterious ways by making people Angels to help out (like Lori)
Great news Stef and Sean!
Michele Shaddix
One door closes and another opens. It will have been for the best. Continued prayers coming your way.
David Basulto
Well done Stef! We all love you two! #TeamSeanAndStef
Jamie Mullen Cooper
WOW!! Just WOW!! God does still work in mysterious ways. Like many others I do not know you and Sean personally but am praying very hard for you. Through all of this try and trust in Him and He will give you the strength to make it through it
Stay strong Stef. As always I’m keeping you guys in my prayers 💜💜💜
Kathleen Castillo
There are angels among us and you have many on your side. Keep the faith Stef! Hugs.
Lisel Laslie
Just remember to take it day by day, and celebrate every little bit of life. It is never guaranteed or promised anyway. Mind over matter! Prayers for good outcomes at Mayo!
Wishing you God’s strength during this difficult time. Vicki
Heidi S
I have found that things happen the way they SHOULD not the way we THINK they should. There was a reason this all fell into place and you where you need to be at this time. Trust in the fact life goes the way it should and everything happens for a reason. Keep the faith because you guys are amazing!!!
Stay positive Stef. We are keeping you both in our prayers. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
At first as I started to read I wanted to tell you CALL MAYO!! I used to work at MAYO and knew the culture! I am SOOO GLAD you are able to get in there so soon! God has a reason for everything and every person in our lives! So thankful for your friend Lori guiding you to call! She’s is an angel! Contributing to pray!
Sorry, Continuing to pray!
Mary Ann Beckham
God places certain people/angels in Our paths and lives for a reason. They are with you now for such a time as this. Keep the faith! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
All I can say is WOW!!! I really don’t know how people don’t believe in God or Angels. That is nothing short of a miracle. When you go to Jacksonville, that is 2 hours away from me. If there is anything I can help you out with please let me know. I would love to be a part of your journey anyway I can. It really is strange that I have never met you or Sean , yet I feel such an affinity and apathy for ya’ll. Prayers are still going up and after today’s post we definitely know the Lord is listening. God Bless you Both….
Melanie steelman
God is goo and so is Lori! Still praying so hard for you and Sean. Now also for the doctors and nurses at the Mayo Clinic!
Awesome news on the appointment. I had prayed like crazy for an earlier date. God is good!!! Y’all got this. I can’t wait till the day Sean hears, your cancer is gone. I speak healing in Jesus name. Receive this and be ready to rejoice. God bless.
Melissia Taziar
Things happen for a reason. You were meant to come to Jacksonville for treatment. I live in Jacksonville and tried to get into a family doctor associated with the Mayo Clinic because I have an autoimmune disease that just needs monitored for issues. So I figured I should try to find a family doctor here that is associated with them even though Im not having issues currently. Thinking ahead in case I needed them. I recently moved here from Ohio where I left one of the top doctors in the world for my Sarcoidosis. I recently called and was told that there were no doctors accepting new patients that my insurance covers. I was told I could be on a waiting list and they take one new person per day. So it could literally take months to get in, who knows maybe a year. So I gave up and called another local doctor’s office who is associated with another of the big hospitals in Jacksonville. I found a doctor and went for just routine visit to get prescriptions filled and to at least have a doctor here in Florida. I just so happened to find a doctor who has had two other patients with Sarcoidosis (only 185,000 people have this in the USA). It’s hard to find doctors who are actually familiar with it. So it was pure luck that I ended up with a doctor who actually knows details about it and I feel confident Im in good hands for now. So my point to this story is that the Mayo Clinic is VERY hard to get into, even for just a regular family doctor or internist the wait was literally a waiting list with the hope of eventually getting in for me. So I truly believe that Sean was meant to get into the Jacksonville Mayo Clinic. Things happen for a reason and you guys have so many people praying for Sean and for everything to work itself out. Also if he ends up staying here for treatements, I know that they have several hotels nearby the hospital that you could stay in, also I think they have help for Cancer patient’s families with places to stay when a loved one is getting treatement. So ask these types of questions when you are there. Take a notebook and write things down!!! IF YOU DONT WRITE DETAILS DOWN, YOU WILL FORGET THEM!!! We learned this with my familiy members who had cancer treatments. It helps to keep things straight and if you have a list of questions with you that you need answers for, you dont have to call back and hope to get an answer. So start taking lots of notes and write down your questions when you think of them. We are all thinking about you daily and sending nothing but good vibes your way.
Paul W
Thank you for sharing with us your journey. We have your back. #loveup
Carolyn Bickel
Everytime I read your posts, I cry. Today are happy tears for you and your angel. Never know when those angels will appear. I love the Alabama song too! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Laura Jones
Praying for both of you!!!
God is the great and mighty healer. If you ever need any 2nd or 3rd opinions, MD Anderson in Houston is great too! My sister in law went there for her kidney cancer. I also know a young man going there currently for his chemo treatments for colon cancer. I think there are other locations but I can think of them off the top of my head.
Again, praying for you both!!!
Scott ONeal
Sending thoughts and prayers! It’s hard to be so open and honest, but becasue of that, an angel appeared! Love you guys!
Angela Jorgensen
Miracle’s happen everyday , you are both being covered with love and prayers every minute of every day worldwide . Every day is new day love will conquer all believe in healing , think , plan and visulise all the wonderful things you will be doing in future together , you such a beautiful positive couple you were made for each other . Sending love hugs and prayers in abundance xxx
Real life cruisers Australia
Hello beautiful people I hear mayo clinic is wonderful place and I am from Australia. There is a song God will make a way when there seems no be no way. Reminds me of you. 💜
Page E Krebsbach
Stef and Sean,
You are both in my thoughts and prayers! Don’t forget that there are other options for you. My husband is going through treatment for leukemia, and MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and has amazing. We do live in Austin, which makes visits possible (about a 3 hour drive each way), but we did find many reasonable options for extended hotel stays with discounts. Also, they have been wonderful working with us on deductibles and co-pays. Plus, they coordinated treatments with Texas Oncology here in Austin, so we don’t have to even temporarily live close by. Good luck, good vibes, and goodness will surround you! xoxoxox
Botsford Family
Yours videos have brought so much joy and happiness to my family, we love watching them together as a family. All of our thoughts and prayers with you as you over come this life challenge. We all have no doubt that as a team you will win this fight!!!!!!
Denise A Richardson
Persistence, determination, hope and prayers. That is how you beat this nightmare. Sending lots of hope and prayers for you both and I know Steph will provide lots and lots of the persistence and determination to keep Sean on the right path to health. Love to both.
Sending Love and prayers to you both
Shawn V Wentz
We love you guys and you will be in our prayers. Try to keep up your wonderful levels of positivity. We’ve always been drawn to that about you both.