Day 4/5/6 – A New Reality
(I’m catching up on days because I just looked at a calendar and realized it has almost been a week now since this all began. All of my days have blurred and I wanted to try to get my posts going on the correct day)
What a whirlwind the last couple days have been. Things still don’t feel real. It’s like you read all the messages and say to yourself, wow, that’s a really sad situation for someone…and then reality sinks in.
Reality. It’s funny how one little word can be so different in only 7 days. 7 days ago I learned how to use a scroll saw. Sean learned how to put shiplap on a wall. I recorded a voice over. Sean was editing. It was a crazy weekend but that was what we did. We worked 40 hours at work and then picked up with our YouTube channel on the weekend. It was always a ton of work (we literally never stop working) but we LOVED it.
Fast forward to now and things have changed so much. That word reality comes into play again and here we are. We wake up, check Sean’s sugar, give him an insulin shot, make breakfast, take a pain pill, sleep, get up, check Sean’s sugar, insulin, lunch, pain pill, sleep….you get the picture. So different from the 2 people running around trying to accomplish 60 tasks in one hour.
We are not the only ones who are experiencing a new reality. You all are experiencing this with us as well. I wish I could take away all of the tears you guys have cried for us. I wish I could make the hurt stop for you all. I wish I could just make everything ok. This has been hard on so many of you and for that I am truly sorry. We don’t want to see anyone in pain and to know that we are causing that pain, well, it breaks our hearts.
Before I finish this post, I want to talk about 3 amazing people who live in the UK, who are going above and beyond to help us. I am talking about the lovely Emma from Emma Cruises and the dynamic duo Ben & David from Cruise with Ben & David. These 3 are teaming up, with so many other creators, and will be hosting a 12 hour fundraising event in Sean’s honor. If you are interested in learning more, check out their Facebook event here: https://facebook.com/events/s/12-hour-live-stream-fundraisin/198700548205495/?ti=as
To Emma, Ben & David: we love you all so much. I am forever grateful that we all got to meet in person and I hope and pray that we will all get to meet one day again. Ben, I will never forget how sore my cheeks were from laughing so hard on TriceraTop Spin. David, spending your lunch break at Waggamama with us was the coolest thing ever (I wouldn’t have given up my lunch break for us. That was so awesome). And Emma, you introduced us to Spoons, which is the single-handed best restaurant of all time (I know I know, don’t hate us UK 😂).
There are so many other amazing memories we have with the 3 of you (Emma wearing a skirt and no jacket and I was bundled up like we were visiting Antarctica 😂). We cannot thank you enough for this fundraiser. We are humbled by your generosity and kindness.
To all the creators, companies and to everyone who is involved with this fundraiser, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I keep talking about angels among us and you all have wings. ♥️
Previous Goal: Achieved! Sean is taking his pain pills and we are spacing them out enough to make them last until Wednesday (I still think it’s a stupid policy for someone with terminal cancer. Just saying). But we are getting through it and that’s all that matters. Sean is sleeping more than he ever has and that’s a big win.
This week’s goal: I am going to try my best not to be anxious waiting for these doctor appointments. Sean is anxious enough and I need to be there to calm him down. I don’t need to add to the stress (I may be calling some of you for you to calm me down, but I will do that away from Sean). This week is all about preparing for next Monday. It’s time to buckle down and prepare for the fight.
Praying for you both every day!! Stay strong and fight!!! We love you both!
Thanks you for all the updates you are our family even though we have never met… if you need to vent just send me a message on Facebook or email eaglesfan9@gmail.com so you can scream at the world I will listen it’s the least I can do stef. As always continued prayers and love to you and Sean also I know you have an appointment with Mayo Clinic but also check out Johns Hopkins hospital in Washington DC I know it would be a hike for you but just something to keep your mind going and check out
Randy Charlton
Exodus 14:14 The Lord Will fight for you; you need only to be still.
Deb Griffin
Amen!!! <3 <3 <3
Penny heavens
You guys are great and you have no reason to be sorry …..Sean got this and your support will help him through this 🙏
You are strong and hsve an amazing source of backup friends and family behind you. Prayers and positive thoughts slways
Jennifer Nederfield
Unfortunately, I am intimately aware of what you are going through. I know the pain, confusion, shock…all of it. My heart breaks for you, and everyone who loves you…which from where I stand, is a whole lot of people. I think of you both constantly and wish I could do more to help. But please know I am sending you love and peace.
And I agree, the pain medication policy in this case is just stupid. I hope there will be concession made at your next doctors appointment.
Thank you for the updates. You both are strong and will get thru this. Sean kick cancers butt!
Our thoughts and continued prayers are with you both.
Mike & Joyce
Jen Peden
Your reply that you are sorry to us.. your followers.. friends you’ve never met (for the most part) is testimony to the genuinely caring individual you are. I have literally strived to be a better person this last week based on YOUR reality.. I thank you for your strength.. and sharing this with us. As always.. continued prayers and love to you both. #seanandstefstrong
Stewart Alexander
I have known Sean and Stef for quite a few years. They are two of the nicest people I have ever met. I can’t begin to image what they are going through, but I know they can beat this. I am not a spiritual person but I have started praying for them. Keep fighting.
Hiram J Perrand
I Know it is human to worry, especially in this situation. I just want to dedicate this verse from the bible, which has been a blessing to me.
Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7.
Margaret Wilson
Stef and Sean, My ❤️❤️❤️ and Prayers are with you! Please stay strong and keep fighting! There isn’t a day, minute or second that I’m not thinking of you both and praying for a miracle cure for Sean!
Janni Vendelborg
I am so surprised by the impact your new situation is having on my mind. I think about you many many times throughout the day. Even though I only know you from your fantastic inspirational videos, I feel so involved in your life, because you share so much of it. I sincerely hope you win the fight and can continue your journey through life and inspire all of us. Thoughts and prayer from Copenhagen….
Kathleen Castillo
If anyone can do it, you can Stef! You are stronger than you know. I’m praying that God gives you the strength and wisdom you need to get through this and be there in the capacity thatvSean needs. Like all the other battles you’ve faced in your lives, I have a feeling you get through this too. God bless you both!!!
Tracey McCoy
Praying for your peace…
Continued prayers guys. Stay the course and FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. Side note, for alittle comic relief go back and watch your beer tasting video from P&O cruise. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. You guys ROCK.
Bill & Theresa
Sean & Stef:
Thanks for the updates. We had the privilege of meeting Sean and Stef on Mariner of the Seas. Halloween Cruise and they were two of the nicest people we ever met. We know you guys got this and are stronger than you think .we are praying for you both Dailey. Keep fighting. Sending you both hugs from Reinholds, Pa.
Bill & Theresa
Tonya Carter
No need to be sorry. You are both very strong people. God and all of us are here for you. Keeping fighting and when you feel tired and weary, take a deep breath and inhale the strength of all of the prayers that have/are being prayed on your behalf.