Day 54 – The Last Birthday
Today is the eve of my 42nd birthday. I wish I was sitting here happy but instead I have tears streaming down my face (I’m not sure there is a single day when I don’t weep silently to myself). The tears came today because I know this could possibly be the last birthday that I share with Sean. I am super positive about Sean’s outcome, and his cancer numbers are looking so good, but the reality is, this fight is still just beginning. There is so much more to do. We will continue to fight but even with all the good news, the tears still come. Even coming close to 60 days in to the cancer diagnosis, it’s still hard to come to grips with.
And that’s what I wanted to write about. The shouldn’t I’s. Shouldn’t I be feeling relief? Shouldn’t I be less stressed? Shouldn’t I not cry anymore? Shouldn’t I be sleeping easily? Shouldn’t I be less exhausted? Shouldn’t I? Shouldn’t I? Shouldn’t I? So many questions run around in my head all the time.
There are no right answers to these questions because there is no right way to grieve or get through something like cancer. I sleep okay most nights but some nights I can’t sleep at all. I feel relief at Sean’s cancer marker numbers but then I think about the next set of tests. I destress with Sean snuggling on the sofa but stress over making sure papers are signed, medications are called in and bills are paid. I laugh over silly jokes Sean tells but cry over losing the love of my life.
This has been the hardest thing I have ever faced in my life. Being raped and molested as a child, to the point of never being able to have children, doesn’t even come close to the sadness that I have felt these past 60 days. That situation I could handle because Sean was with me but this…I don’t even know how to explain it. It’s just hard. Like throw your phone across the room because you can’t take it anymore, hard.
It’s not sadness all the time. It comes in waves. One moment I can be so happy buying a Dairy Queen birthday cake and the next I am sitting here watching Survivor and I can’t stop crying. Why was I crying over Survivor? Well, this past episode was the family episode. The episode where the contestants get to see their loved ones. This whole scene is pretty emotional by itself but for me, this really hit home. It hit me that there is a possibility that one day, sooner than I would like, I won’t have a loved one to call on. That was it for me and I have been crying since. It’s funny how a simple show can evoke so much emotion.
And this is how it has been for me. At a moment’s notice, I see something or hear a song and it instantly takes me to a place that Sean isn’t in. These thoughts (I call them nightmares) creep in to my mind without me wanting them there. Nightmares of funerals. Nightmares of coffins. Nightmares of loneliness. Nightmares about everything. So many nightmares.
Again, this whole thing has been really hard. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t expecting a walk in the park, just go get a flu shot, easy peasy time. No, I expected things to be difficult. Just not this difficult. I didn’t expect to dream about burying my husband. I didn’t expect to dream about writing a eulogy. I didn’t expect to dream about complete sadness. But that has been happening. Some days the nightmares are so strong that I don’t want to go to sleep. The only way I sleep is with Sean giving me a back massage. The feeling of his touch on my back soothes me enough to let my mind shut off for just a second. And how awesome is that. Here’s Sean fighting the hardest battle of his life and he is giving me a back massage. He is truly the yin to my yang. He understands me without me even saying a word. He just knows.
So tomorrow I turn 42. I will celebrate with Sean and I will enjoy every moment of my ice cream cake. I know in my heart that there will be 40 more ice cream cakes in the future and that is what will continue to push me through the tears and hard times. This fight has just started and I’ll be damned if I let it end now. We have so many places to explore and things to do together.
So this is a word from 42 year old Stef to 43 year old Stef: Stef, I don’t know what the future holds. My hope is that Sean is standing next to you and you are looking up into his eyes. I hope that you are holding hands together, in some country looking at something really cool (if you think it’s a museum, it definitely is one, lol). If by some chance you are standing alone, know that you are not alone. Sean is still holding your hand and will be holding your hand forever. Never forget that Sean is a part of you and will be there, even if he is not. His love for you will always shine around you forever and always! ♥️
Sheila Dube
Praying for you both everyday.
Jill Hahn
Written so well Stef hang in there and Happy Birthday!
Be strong (as you can), this is something NO ONE will let you go through this alone. We care about you two and pray the numbers keep dropping. Happy birthday!
Patti Wetzel
Your writing continues to amaze me- in that all you are going through, you still have the poise to write like you do. I know I’m not alone when I say I wish I could just give you a big hug. Stay strong, there are a lot of people on your side, and Sean’s. Love and prayers ❤️❤️
Beautifully written. You will never be alone in this fight! Love to you both!
Stef, I don’t know what to say, other than that I am very sorry that Sean has cancer. I am, however, very glad for the love that you and Sean have for each other. It seems like you have a relationship that most only can dream of. I’m not going to tell you to “be strong” or “be brave” because I would not dare to tell you how to feel. Please know that many care about the two of you, and are holding you close in our prayers.
God Bless you both everyday every hour. Your writing skills takes my breath away
Enjoy your Dairy Queen Cake and celebrate your birthday with Sean…. I think you are strong and so open with your thoughts and feelings – you really know how to express your feelings in words. Continued prayer for you both -with love.
Valerie Claussen
Will keep you both in my prayers everyday, and hope that all this will someday be a memory you share while you both keep on living and loving life. Sending you guys a hug.
So well written Stef!! Have a wonderful birthday and enjoy your ice cream cake with Sean!!! This post makes me want to hug my husband a little tighter tonight. Keep fighting Sean!!! Love to you both!
Kathy Biddinger
Happy Birthday Stef. I don’t know you personally but I sure wish I could give you a hug. Sending you prayers and positive thoughts for the strength you both need right now. It breaks my heart to see you hurting so much but I do believe Sean will be here holding your hand for many more birthdays.
Kathy B
Julie Young
Anything I think of writing isn’t able to express strongly enough how amazing you two are.
I’m sending lots of love and if its OK with you some Reiki.
You are both inspirational, my family adore you.
Lots of love,
Julie xx
Vicki w.
You are awesome Steph sending you and Sean a Big Virtual Hug. Happy Birthday!
I will continue to hold you in my prayers. You are both so much stronger than I could ever be. Celebrate your birthday with as much joy as you can and enjoy that ice cream cake.
Happy Birthday. I wish I had words to comfort you. I have a dear friend that says sometimes all you can offer someone going through things like you and Shawn is your love. So I offer you that. From someone I have never meet. I will pray for love for you.
I pray for you both every day. Stay strong, you are not alone and you are loved.
Always thinking of you both. Happy birthday Stef.
Happy birthday Stef. Try to enjoy your day. Find that moment of happiness to celebrate the sweet, strong, supportive person you are. Sean would want you to enjoy your day, even if it is just for that one moment you blow out your candles and make your most important wish in 42 years. Sending hugs.
Sometimes it is good to write things down and get them off of your chest., especially if you don’t have anyone around you to offload those feelings onto. They are all valid thoughts. We can all give our best thoughts, wishes and prayers, but you two are the ones at the “battlefront”.
Big hugs from Australia xx
Stef I’m so sorry you’re feeling how you feel. I lost my best friend and husband 13 years ago not to illlnessvut because he walked out on me and my 3 kids. It’s scary to think about facing life alone. I had been a stay at home mom for 13 years of our
Marriage. Being alone is scary but it IS survivable. I get your survivor reference because I too cried. Hang in there both of you….no one knows what’s coming. Much love, strength and birthday wishes. I
turn 50 “alone” this year so I get it
Happy birthday Stef, every time I read your updates, I think wow just wow. You are amazing. One day at a time.
Melissia Taziar
I love reading your blogs.. Probably more than any book that I have read. You have a true gift that I think you should honestly think about using in the future. Every word is written from the heart, don’t ever stop writing down your current thoughts and feelings because later in life they will be so important to you. Never forget the love you feel for each other and keep living every day like it is your last and make new memories as well as hold onto the ones you have already created. You are a strong person and you will get through this life changing event one step at a time. Keep positive thoughts and live in the moment, because it’s the one thing you have guaranteed right now, you have the moment you are in to love, remember and enjoy. Happy Birthday and don’t ever let the fear of the unknown stop you from living the moment you are currently in. Enjoy this birthday with Sean and remember happy times and make the day about the two of you because you make each other happy and you both deserve to be happy right now. Enjoy your cake and try to find some joy in the day to file in the back of your mind for another time when you need a happy memory to get you through a rough day. It’s all about filing things into places that you can find them later when you desperately need them… I have been thinking about both of you guys daily and hoping that you both have a great day tomorrow.. You both deserve it so much…
Jen Peden
Happy Birthday Stef!!
I’m sorry it sucks. Really sorry for all that y’all are going through. Y’all enjoy the heck out of that cake. An ode to “The Office”.. snap those mental pictures.. then next year.. you will snap new ones together.
I can’t WAIT to see that!!!
Ismay Evans
Stef, I don’t know you – you don’t know me.. but I’m sending you so much love right now .. My heart goes out to you and wish I could give you a big big hug xx
Joseph Richardson
First off…..Happy Birthday!
I think one of the shortfalls we have as human beings (at least in the Western world) is that we to forget the now, and focus instead on our existential future, which can be both maddening and sad. I once asked a Lutheran pastor how he could ever preside over the funeral of a child; what could someone say that could make sense of that type of loss. His response was that if you felt entitled to that relationship, one that you worked for and damn well deserved, you would maybe never get over that kind of loss. If, instead, you looked up that experience as a blessing, as though the cosmos brought you together for however long a time as you were given, and embraced and treasured that time, it is easier to accept that sometimes those times will end. I had posted before that every life is a Shakespearean tragedy marked by comedy throughout, and the pain you are feeling, and expressing in such a heartfelt and eloquent manner, serves as a reminder for everyone to enjoy every sandwich, marvel at every rainbow, and smile at every sunset. The future is ours for as long as we are in it, then it becomes our legacy. May you and Sean be blessed with only good karma today on your special day, and in all the days ahead
Theresa & Bill
Happy Birthday Stef!! We wish we had the words to comfort you. You are both stronger than we could ever be. We pray for you both every day. Stay strong and take one day at a time.
P.S. Enjoy your Ice Cream cake.😊
Alisa Brown
Stef – I hope you have a wonderful birthday. I don’t think you can go wrong with ice cream cake! I’m praying for continued strength and courage as you both fight this beast. Just know that everything you are doing is inspiring so many people. You are not alone. We are all with you in spirit fighting along beside you with love, thoughts and prayers. God is on your side. We are on your side. I hope this brings you some joy and comfort for the battle ahead. A battle I know the both of you will win!
BW Sanderson
Happy birthday-sounds so trite through all this trauma but, what you share with Sean is what I like to call-“God’s perfect friendship!” I have that with my husband but so very many women have never “been adored!” They have never had the privilege of being able to share every thought with the one who shares their life!!! In that, you are oh so very blessed!!!
My prayers continue for your wonderful husband Sean and prayers for continued strength for you both!! Prayers for every person that participates in Sean’s care!! God is the Great Physician!!!
You guys are so amazing and have so many birthdays and adventures to come!!!
Love you both so much!!!
BW Sanderson
Traveling Thru Bifocals
Anita H45
Stef, you are so brave. I am amazed at how well you are coping. You allowed to cry if you need to – it’s a release and it’s good for you. I am willing with all my heart that the next birthday will be a true celebration. I also love that song. I’ve been meaning to see that film because my cousin has Cystic Fibrosis and the same lung bacteria, but it might be too sad for me (I’ve already lost one cousin to CF). His partner is currently battling breast cancer which is a great worry as she is his rock like Sean is yours. So Stef, battle on, it’s what you do and you are doing great. Love and light xxx
Wow! Thank you for sharing your feelings. Praying for you two.