Disney Magic | Marvel Day at Sea | Cruise Vlog Day 3
It’s Day 3 of Sean and Stef’s Caribbean Cruise on the Disney Magic. Today is Marvel Day at Sea.
Sean and Stef start their day with a hearty breakfast at Lumiere’s. After breakfast Sean and Stef watch all of the Marvel Characters take over the atrium.
Then it’s time for the quiet cove adult pool. Sean and Stef enjoy a cocktail at Signals, the bar next to the adult pool and then have some relaxation time at the pool.
After the pool Sean and Stef order room service, which is complementary on the Disney Magic.
Now it’s time for the evening’s festivities starting with Captain America’s Star-Spangled USO show in the Fathoms club.
Then it’s off to Keys for fabulous live music and amazing craft cocktails.
After Keys it’s off to the Mickey and Friends Super Hero Celebration deck party.
After the deck party it’s time for Marvel dinner at Animator’s Palate.
After an amazing dinner it’s time for the Marvel Heroes Unite show / deck party including fantastic fireworks.
Marvel Day at Sea on the Disney Magic has been an epic one for sure.
We couldn’t have gone on this journey if it wasn’t for our amazing sponsor Brittany Watson. Thank you Brittany!
This Episode is Sponsored by Your Perfect Getaway by Brittany Watson. Book Your Perfect Getaway here:
Follow Your Perfect Getaway by Brittany Watson on Facebook here:
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