Fun Day on the Fun Ship | Carnival Horizon Cruise Vlog Day 05
Today Sean and Stef take a ship day fun day and explore everything the beautiful Carnival Horizon has to offer. After amazing cappuccinos from the JavaBlue Cafe and a fantastic breakfast in the Ocean plaza, Sean and Stef head up to the sports court for some serious mini golf action at the Sky Greens. This isn’t your typical cruise ship mini golf! It’s on 2 decks! WHAT? Yep! After an amazing round of the funnest mini golf ever, Sean and Stef enjoy time in the Havana Bar and Havana pool. After the pool it’s time for amazing milkshakes from the JavaBlue Cafe. Then it’s off to the Warehouse arcade where Sean and Stef rematch from an earlier battle of Pacman Smash. After a grueling match in the arcade it’s time to try the Skyride! Sean and Stef race around the Carnival Horizon on the fantastic Skyride. An amazing day on the Carnival Horizon deserves an amazing night. Sean and Stef start their evening with amazing custom cocktails at the Alchemy Bar and then off to JiJi Asian Kitchen for the most amazing dinner ever. After dinner it’s a night cap at the Alchemy Bar and off to bed.
Interested in seeing more about what San Juan has to offer? Check out the fun Sean and Stef have had exploring the port and Old San Juan.
Rum Route Exploring in San Juan | MSC Seaside Cruise Vlog Day 05:
Castles in San Juan | Allure of the Seas Cruise Vlog Day 05:
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