Paper With a Purpose in Amber Cove | Royal Princess Cruise Vlog Day 05
It’s Day 05 on Sean and Stef’s Royal Princess Cruise and today they are in Amber Cove. It’s another Fathom Travel excursion day and Sean and Stef travel to RePapel in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. RePapel is a company that is run by local women who create artisinal paper, jewelry and other fine goods from recycled paper. After a short bus ride from the port, Sean and Stef are greeted by the women of RePapel. Some wonderful songs and a few quick introductions later and it’s time to get to work. Sean and Stef start their day at RePapel by straining and spreading out the blended paper into molds. Then excess water is drained from the molds using sponges. After the water is drained, the paper is separated from the mold and moved aside to dry. The process is repeated to make as much paper as possible. After creating the paper it’s time to smooth it. Using plastic containers, Sean and Stef smooth out the paper by hand and make friends at the same time. After the smoothing, it’s off to the jewelry making area where Sean and Stef create their own jewelry from paper labels of popular alcoholic beverages. Sean’s necklace is made exclusively from Johnny Walker Black labels. After making jewelry for the store, it’s time for the last job of the day and that’s ripping up used paper and separating the plain white paper from paper with ink on it. After shredding the paper, Sean and Stef help put the newly made paper on the racks to dry. After some tearful goodbyes it’s time to get on the bus and back to the Royal Princess. Once back on the Royal Princess, Sean and Stef have a quick cool off and ship snacks at Gelato.
It’s dinner time on the Royal Princess and tonight Sean and Stef have cocktails at the Princess Live Cafe followed by an amazing pizza dinner at Alfredo’s Pizzeria.
It’s been an incredible day with incredible women in Amber Cove. Thank you to Fathom Travel and Princess Cruises for making this trip possible!
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