Sean and Stef BTS Vlog 2
Welcome to Sean and Stef BTS!
This is our second vlog for our behind the scenes channel. This week is all about finishing up projects before our massive Europe trip. See our main YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/seanandstefirl
If you’re a fan of Sean and Stef IRL or Cruising with Sean and Stef, here is a quick vlog of what we’re up to in the office this week. We’re recording and editing our video review about the Key program from Royal Caribbean, we’re editing promos and videos for our online business, Stef is doing something cool and oh yeah we just happened to hang out in Walt Disney World with Ben from Cruise With Ben and David and we’re cutting the video from that day as well. Also creating graphics and countdowns for our Sundays with Sean and Stef live streams. Just another week on land for Sean and Stef.
Lot’s going on here behind the scenes of Sean and Stef. Please subscribe to our channel! Thank you!