The Ultimate Guide to the Royal Princess | Royal Princess Cruise Vlog Day 03
The Ultimate Guide to the Royal Princess | Royal Princess Cruise Vlog Day 03
Join Sean and Stef as they explore the entire Royal Princess Cruise Ship, including the Lawn Court, Sun Deck, Center Court, Jogging Track, Laser Shooting Range, Movies Under The Stars, Princess Sports Central, Table Tennis, The Game Lounge, The Greens, Hot Tubs, Platinum Studio, Retreat Pool & Bar, SeaWalk, Skylight, Teen Lounge, The Sanctuary, Youth Center, Fitness Center, Fountain Pool, Horizon Bistro, Horizon Court, Horizon Terrace, Mermaid’s Tail, Outrigger Bar, Prego Pizzeria, Seaview Bar, Swirls, The Pastry Shop, Calypso Cabana, Trident Grill, Captain’s Circle Desk, Crooners Lounge & Bar, Crown Grill, Future Cruise Sales, Limelight, Ocean Terrace (Seafood Bar), Princess Fine Arts Gallery, Princess Theatre, The Library, The Shops of Princess, Vista Lounge,Wheelhouse Bar & Crown Grill, Alfredo’s Pizzeria, Allegro Dining Room, Bellini’s, Casino, Churchill’s, Club 6, Concerto Dining Room, Photo-Video Gallery, Celebrations, Gelato, International Café, Internet Café, Lobby Bar, Lotus Spa, Passenger Services, Plaza Court, Plaza Trattoria, Sabatini’s, Shore Excursions Desk, Symphony Dining Room, The Piazza and Vines Bar.
After Sean and Stef tour the entire ship they meet up with the Fathom Travel team and then have a delicious lunch at the Horizon Bistro, the buffet on the Royal Princess.
It’s formal night on the beautiful Royal Princess. Sean and Stef start their evening off with pre-dinner cocktails at the Princess Live Cafe and then have dinner at Sabatini’s, the Italian Specialty Dining restaurant on the Royal Princess. After a lovely dinner it’s time for the late showing of ‘Encore’ in the Princess Theater.
What a fantastic end to an unbelievable day on board the Royal Princess.
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