Ultimate Abyss, Laser Tag, Wonderland and Flight | Symphony of the Seas Cruise Vlog Day 6
It’s Day 6 of Sean and Stef’s Caribbean Cruise on the world’s largest cruise ship, the Symphony of the Seas.
Sean and Stef start off their day with breakfast at El Loco Fresh. After Breakfast it’s off to play laser tag in Studio B in the Entertainment Place. The laser tag was lots of fun and incredible to think that Sean and Stef are playing laser tag where people were ice skating.
Now that Sean and Stef have conquered laser tag on the Symphony of the Seas it’s time to try the Ultimate Abyss. Stef was nervous at first but as you see, she slid down the Abyss twice.
After Abyss, it’s Formal night on Symphony of the Seas. Tonight dinner is at Wonderland. Sean and Stef start down the rabbit hole at the Wonderland bar for happy hour and then journey downstairs into the restaurant. There a paintbrush reveals the menu and the Mad Hatter greets Sean and Stef. The food and experience at Wonderland is not to be missed.
Now that the incredible Wonderland meal is over, it’s time to see Flight, Dare to Dream in the Royal Theater. What an incredible production.
A perfect ending to an amazing day on the Royal Caribbean Symphony of the Seas.
Find out more about The Key program here: https://seanandstefirl.blog/2019/02/11/the-key-unlock-exclusive-benefits-on-royal-caribbean/
▶ Want to know more about Sean and Stef? Check out Sean and Stef’s Mission here: https://seanandstefirl.blog/2018/05/05/sean-and-stef-irl-our-mission/
▶ Like Royal Caribbean? Check out Sean and Stef’s Cruise on the Royal Caribbean Allure of the Seas here:
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