We Do This to Live
We’re not trying to be famous. Don’t get me wrong, it would be great to get free cruises, always have a table waiting for us at 150 Central Park or get a high five from Bugnaked, but that’s not why we we’ve become Travel Filmmakers.

I’ve written a little about this topic before. About six years ago I got really sick. I gained over 200lbs at an alarming rate and nothing worked to stop the gain. I stopped sleeping and I got used to a life where coughing up blood and vomiting was just another Tuesday. I live in excruciating pain, even to this day. It’s one of the many reasons I legitimately cannot stand still. When you see us talking to the camera and I seem a bit figity it’s due to my pain. It’s also partly due to me playing our vlog tracks in my head. Music selection is never done people, it’s a way of life.
We Do This To Live

For me travel has become a healing pause button. All of my pain and anxiety disappear when I travel. My typical 9-10 daily pain is a 1-2 when at sea. Traveling, more specifically Cruising, saved my life. This time last year I wrote an article about what I haven’t been able to do on a ship since I got sick. I’m happy to report that I’m officially down over 250lbs and currently weigh less than I did 20+ years ago. While I’m super happy about the weight loss, the insomnia and constant pain have never gone away. The pain gets worse every day. So that’s why we travel now. Stef and I both acknowledge that this won’t be something we’re able to do forever and we both kind of wish we started this channel when we met 12 years ago. Truly. If we had access to a time machine we’d go back and tell each other to go explore. Go do. Go be. Don’t wait so long. That’s really my only regret in life. I wish we did this a decade ago.

The term bucket list is super overused and as such has lost real meaning. So I hate using it. We’re Travel Filmmakers because we aren’t rich and we want to explore the world as much as possible before we can’t. We’re trying new things and pushing new goals before we can’t. So, Bucket list.
We Do This To Love

Another core aspect of why we became Travel Filmmakers: Love. It’s part of our Mission Statement. I personally feel more connected to Stef every time we go on an adventure. Our channel is an investment in each other. We are striving to be the best versions of ourselves and this project has brought us exponentially closer together. I truly believe vlogging with your significant other is a real game changer and that everyone should try it.

In addition to fostering our love for each other we make it our mission to spread light and joy whenever, wherever we can. We suffered some devastating situations that ended our dreams of having a family. Instead of taking it out on each other or walking away from the relationship, we declared the world is our family and that traveling is simply going around the globe from one family reunion to another. Like I said before, see you at the reunion.

We Do This To Grow

We do more. We try more. We step WAY out of our personal comfort zones and the payoff is a renewed spirit, personal and spiritual growth. Our channel is about facing fears and testing our personal strengths. We started by simply putting ourselves out there. Then we moved to doing things we were afraid to do. Now we’re going to places we never thought we’d go. It’s all about experiencing life and our continued quest to keep moving forward.
We Do This to Create Freely

I legitimately sit in a chair for 16-20 hours a day creating content for other people. I’ve never in my life been a part of a project where I get to create freely. Our channel is just that, creative freedom. Every single vlog I cut brings me joy. Every ship tour and island tour, joy. Putting together our memories and weaving our travel stories brings me nothing but happiness. I enjoy shooting on the ship with Stef and documenting our journey. Then the fun begins. Traveling home looking at all of the pieces and finding the stories I want to tell. This is my happy place. If we could somehow do this for a living, we would.
Travel Filmmaking is Our Dream

We’ve always loved Travel Shows and we’ve always wanted our own travel series. It’s our dream to produce a travel show even if it only airs on YouTube. I’m happy to say that we have completed our Pilot Episode and we’re working on more right now.

Wow!!! Loved reading your blog. I can relate….i have been living with Chronic pain issues for 3 years now . Finally found some relief, but not a permanent one. I received a diagnosis finally and have an awesome specialist, by my condition is a chronic one. So, my hubby & I decided lets cruise and live life to the fullest!! I feel best on a cruise too, my pain level drops to about a 3 or 5 instead of 8, 9, or 10.
You are both so real, and your honesty is so refreshing! Maybe our paths will cross someday on a ship!! Loved the live stream today!
Sharon Clarkson & Chris Clarkson