Day 111 – Life on Hold
On hold.
Two words you do not want to hear when it comes to living or dying. Two words. Two small little words. I sit and laugh to myself at times thinking about how things mean so much more to me now than they ever did in the past.
A project is “on hold” – cool, time to move on to the next one. Something ordered is “on hold” – no problem, I’ll just wait until it comes in (I probably didn’t need it anyway). But when you say your fight to live is now “on hold” the reaction is no longer a simple shoulder shrug. No, the reaction is one of anger, sadness, doubt and hopelessness.
This is where we are on Day 111. We are on hold. On hold because Sean’s body needs a little break from the intense chemotherapy that he has been on the last twelve weeks. Sean’s platelet counts are too low to continue. His count is at 60 and you need to be at 75 or higher to continue chemo (normal platelet count is 150). You are probably thinking, “hey, that’s great guys. A little break is perfect. Let’s let Sean’s body rest and get ready to fight the next rounds needed to kill this nasty disease.” And you know analytically, yes, that is correct. Sean has been fighting the toughest battle of his life these past three months and a break should be welcomed. But unfortunately, a break for us feels like we are put in a penalty box, while the enemy continues to grow stronger, ready to pounce as soon as we step out.
It’s hard to explain what this waiting feels like. Even “penalty box” doesn’t seem to encapsulate the terror that comes with waiting. I have been talking about being on a rollercoaster and that feels like a more accurate description. But this waiting is not just any rollercoaster. This waiting feels like the only roller coaster that I have never ridden due to fear. I have ridden every rollercoaster I have been in front of except this one. The honor of this award goes to Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. To this day, that ride terrifies me more than any other (and yes, I know there are faster accelerator coasters out there today but I have never physically seen them). You may be asking yourself, what makes Top Thrill so scary? It’s called the Rollback. Yep, just like the words imply, there is a chance your coaster car does not make it over the top of the extremely huge hill you are launched at and you rollback down to where you started. When I first saw this with my own eyes, I know I physically uttered the words “what the hell?” I watched this coaster launch from zero to something like a hundred miles an hour, go straight up this giant steel structure, start slowing down right at the top, the very front car just slightly hanging over the peak of the hill, the train came to a full stop for what seemed like a thousand minutes and then the entire train started moving the opposite direction, and came down, backwards, into the same launching system that I just saw shoot this monstrosity into orbit. My brain was in shock and I’m looking around and people are cheering and clapping. What the F**K?!? Why is everyone clapping a roller coaster mistake. I’m ready to dial 911 and they are cheering. Apparently, according to these people standing around me, you want this “rollback thing” to happen. Well it may be the best “free ride” but my brain said no way, no how am I getting on that death trap. Coasters are not suppose to come back. They are meant to go on their merry way and come back in the station on the opposite side that you left.
That mind bend that I experienced at Cedar Point is the exact place we are in today, except this time, we are strapped in that coaster. Chemotherapy has launched us up a hill at a hundred miles an hour. A hill so large that the top can barely be seen through the clouds. We are right there. We are cresting the peak. The sun is shining and we are hanging over the top of the hill, looking down at the future that may still be possible, and then PAUSE. We are now teetering on the top of this giant hill. Will we go forward or will we go backwards? Will the numbers increase with this break or will they not? Will Sean have to endure another “free ride” round of chemotherapy to fix this misstep? These questions run through our heads every second of the day. And you know that feeling when you are going up the lift hill of any coaster. The anxiety thoughts of “why did I get on here? do you think my harness is secure enough? did my harness click before we left? is this thing going to kill me?” Multiply that anxiety by a thousand and you are there with us.
BUT this is not the end. You better believe that Sean and I are not just sitting in that coaster looking down thinking we have no shot at this. Ha! Nope we are right there trying to rock that coaster to go forward. And we are rocking with all of our might. We have researched all the things that can help increase platelet counts. The best foods and the best vitamins. I’m about to open ‘Stef’s Beans & Greens Restaurant’ in the kitchen. Sean is on a vitamin shot therapy at our hydration lounge. Vitamin K, D, C, Folate, B-12, B Complex. We are trying to get outside and exercise as much as possible. If it helps, Sean is taking it, eating it or doing it.
So here we are on Day 111 dangling over a monstrous hill wondering which way we will fall. If we fall forward, the coaster will continue. If we fall back, just like on Top Thrill, the ride will not be over. We will launch ourselves once again up the new hill that is in front of us. Hopefully that hill will be smaller and easier to climb and we will soar over the next crest without a single hesitation. Sean has been a fighter so far and he will continue to fight. My eyes tear up with happiness when I think about coming back into that coaster station. I know it will happen and I know Sean and I will walk off that coaster hand in hand.
Hang in there guys!! That’s really all you can do – what will come in your future – it is unknown (same for me, same for everyone). Prayers continue – that is something can do! Stay strong – keep fighting 💜💜💜💜
Paul Watkins
We love you guys… You have a bunch of followers and friends on this ride along with you from all walks of life…. praying you can get back on chemo soon and finish out this race!!! Hugs
Aunt Betty and Uncle Bob
think about you and Sean all the time, praying one day he will be done with cancer. Stay strong for each other- love you
Is a platelet transfusion not an option?
That’s a great question and one I asked. The doctor said they only do transfusions when the platelet count drops below 20. At this point, they like to pause chemo and let the body heal naturally.
You will a make it over rin time. Dangle up there for the time being and enjoy the view at the top! There’s no going back!
Lisa Wise
Love you guys so much! Prayers everyday and keep strong!
Steve Ellis
Been there, seen it, done it.. Got the tee shirt.
I am with you prayerfully every day.
Love you both xxxxx
Sheri Robertson
Keep doing what you’re doing and know there are many of us out here sending you all the positive energy needed for physical and emotional healing.. Holding you both close in my heart and sending love and hugs for comfort♥️💜♥️💜
Hi John from Thailand, you don’t know me, but you’ve kept me entertained via YouTube for a long time. Be strong together and you will win the coaster ride. Thinking of you
Ruth Campisi
You’ve got this!! You will make it over the top
Praying you both rilde back into that coaster station screaming and yelling with joy and happiness!!!!
Linda Slaughter
You are doing everything right!! Time for a brief pit stop so you can gain strength for the next part of this challenge. Rest, love each other with renewed passion. In God’s perfect time you will begin the next step in your treatment. So many of us are lifting you up in prayer. Take comfort in knowing this. <3
David Hammond
I have been in your shoes. The ifs, the wait, the what next is always around the corner. I hated hearing the numbers and prognoses. I prayed everyday, several times a day. Faith is what you have to lean on HARD!! People tell me God already knows the outcome. I have Faith in what HE is doing evey day. If I dont im lost. Please have Faith and we will stand with you. And we will continue to pray for blessings and healing for both of you.
Jennifer Hammond
Stef , you and Sean are in my prayers. We have been there with my mother in law and it is a hard battle but God is good and He can do mighty things. Hang in there and ride that coaster. We love you guys.
Mike Dixon
Only focus on the positive, do some things you enjoy and tune in to nature, art and music x
Debbi Chrissinger
You’ve got this . In my heart I know Sean will pull thorough. you have so much live and support from around the world. Keeping Sean & you in my prayers.
Take a breather…. read a book, go for a gentle swim … use a meditation video from
YouTube. Get some decent body cream and massage your muscles , make some super enriched smoothies… and relax … hundreds are sending u up in prayer … God is hold you gently in his hands … we love you Sean and steph, gather power from us !!! Sit on the grass, go hug a tree feel nature nurture your spirit and sleep well xx thinking of you from England 🏴
Randall K. Harp
The Good Book tells us that the “….God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our trials that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” (2 Cor. 1:3,4) Without doubt, this time in your lives is definitely a trial — but even now, you are comforting others, who may be going through the same, or other trials, with your hope and good-fighting spirit. I trust and pray for your continued comforting, encouragement and victory.
Collette Allen
Waiting is always hard but I’m praying for renewed strenght and that you will mount up with wings like an eagle. Keep the faith my friend.
Jeff G
I sorta know the answer – but…is there any way I can donate platelets for Sean?
I do both double red and platelet donation here as often as allowed, but I wonder if there’s a way for me to donate locally and be of some sort of reciprocal help there?
Thanks so much for the offer Jeff. Mayo said they like to keep platelet transfusions for those with a platelet count under 20. Everyone above 20 they like to build back their blood cells naturally. Such an amazing offer. Thank you so much for the love and kindness 💕
Rhonda Horn
Praying for a tremendous increase in Sean’s platelet count, and for continued strength for you both!
Prayers coming your way. May God Bless you both!
Rollin Astra
First, you are in our prayers. Miracles DO happen! We’re going to pray Sean well! My cousin had late-state ovarian cancer. She was told the odds of survival were frighteningly low. Being an exceptionally positive person, she just told herself, “Well then, I’ll just be one of the survivors.” She was diagnosed in 2002. She’s still with us at age 80. So, even if the five-year odds of surviving stage four pancreatic cancer are only 3%, tell Sean with every fiber of his being determine to be one of the 3%! Second, being severely vision-impaired, my wife and I have sailed with you two, albeit vicariously, for the past few years. I cannot begin to tell you how much pleasure your videos have afforded us. In our mind’s eye, we’ve imagined ourselves traveling with you on those great ships. We owe you so much for your tours. We are confident there will be many more!