Day 7 – Fear of the Unknown
It’s officially been one week since this whole journey began. One week that feels like a lifetime. The week has brought out so many emotions in us but I think the biggest has been fear. And honestly, it’s not the fear of death but the fear of the unknown.
There are so many fears surrounding everything in this situation. What happens here? What happens there? What happens at this time? What happens at that time? We have this fear because we don’t have the answers yet and we think of the scariest things possible (thanks imagination).
Today, I realized how debilitating fear can be. Fear can bring you to your knees. Sean has always said to me that fear stands for “False Evidence Appearing Real”. That statement is so true and today I faced a fear and realized to myself – I will no longer let fear control my thoughts, actions or emotions. I’m not saying I’m not going to be scared. There are going to be a lot of scary situations but I can only control what I can and I will leave the rest up to God.
So how did I get to this realization? It was something so small but the outcome was so huge.
Today was the day to remove Sean’s chemo port bandages. I didn’t know what was under there. Sean described being shot and all I could think about was this big ugly hole. Would I be looking into his body? Would I be looking into his veins? Will I be able to see through him (this one was a little far fetched but I still thought it). I had so many fears about this port running through my head and it was terrifying.
My hands were actually shaking when I started removing the first bandage (there were three in total). I half didn’t want to rip Sean’s hair away but the other half, I didn’t want to see it. Off came the bandage and there it was….. absolutely nothing. A small little red mark. That’s all.
I took a deep breath and moved on to the second bandage. This one was the closest to Sean’s neck. I slowly peeled around the edges, held my breath, and removed the bandage. This time, there was a small incision, less than 1/2 inch long. The incision almost looked like a paper cut. Again, I thought to myself “that’s it?”.
Now it was time to remove the largest bandage and the one that was covering the actual chemo port. Once again, I slowly removed the outer edges of the bandage and then lifted it off. There it was, I was face to face with the big scary chemo port. The funny thing was, it wasn’t scary at all. There wasn’t a big hole in Sean’s chest and no, I couldn’t see through him. Nope. He has a small round disk, about the size of a dime, under his skin. His skin completely covers the device and there is an incision that is healing very nicely. The area is raised about a half inch off his chest and that’s it. It feels like a small hard knot.
I took a step back and I almost cried. Not because anything was bad but because I let this fear take control of me and it wasn’t warranted. False evidence appearing real.
I looked up at Sean’s face and he was so worried (it didn’t help that I just stepped back and stared at him, lol). I quickly snapped out of my fog and explained to him what I just felt. He then told me that he too was scared of what the port looked like. So I told him to touch it. He didn’t want to at first but I told him it would help him see it’s not that bad. So he did. And after touching his port, he turned around to look in the mirror. I could see the sigh of relief on him when he turned around. You could see him realizing that it wasn’t scary at all.
We both had a big laugh about how we thought Iron Man was going to be living among us and life was just a little better.
So here I am writing this at the end of the day thinking about how to use the knowledge I was given today. Ok self, fear is bad. Got it. But how do I help take away the fears when they come in the future? Research. If fear comes from the unknown then make it known. Learn what the procedures are. Ask what is going to happen next. Ask so many questions that the doctors think they are on a game show. Turn the fear into knowledge and that fear has no power (where is Glinda when you need her – “You have no power here. Now begone, before someone drops a house on you”).
So all in all today was a good day. Everyday we get stronger and stronger. We don’t know what will happen in the future but the worst case scenario doesn’t bring fear anymore, it just brings determination.
Jennifer Peden
Nurse Stef!! Way to be strong and rock it. I swear.. you two are a force. There is nothing you can’t face.. together.
I know this journey is going to help so many people. There isn’t enough information out to help people. I hope you both can find a good support group that can help.
Deb Griffin
Sending my daily hug to you all. You two are in my thoughts daily.
Fear most of the time it lacking the knowledge of the procedures and most of the plan. When we have a plan we can prepare for each step. Without a plan your mind wanders. Prayers to you both.
Jill Hahn
Nicely written Stef, hugs and prayers to you both!
Your strength is an inspiration for me. Both of you are completely amazing. Love each other. Don’t forget to eat and drink!
Kelly A Parker
Praying so much for you both! This was amazing and inspiring and I will definitely be able to take your example and use it right away in my own life!! Keep fighting, keep hanging on, one day at a time, one foot in front of the other!
We all love you and are behind you 1,000,000%
Gayla & Herb
Don’t be afraid to ask ANY questions. Keep a list and write everything down. We are pulling for you. You two are just more beautiful than words.
I’m so happy you now understand what fear really is. A lot easier however to understand it when you are not going through anything scary. You both did a great job!! Thoughts and prayers continue to come your way. Many hugs for strength. God has you in the palm of his hand and remember to reach out whenever you need help. We are all here for both of you. Always always!! Much love from Tampa
Deborah Warner
Penny heavens
The way you write you should write a book about your life one day …
Stef you know how to express yourself in words beautifully ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️Stay strong #seanandstefstrong #f$$kcancer !!!!!
Teri Hogg
So proud of you both. Sean and Stef, you are both inspiring. Keep up the fight.
When I read your posts all the thought that comes to mind is how brave your both are when facing these hurdles. You are both in my prayers. I wish I could write as honest and real as you.
Thank you for sharing this journey. I feel as though you are family.
Ella Williams
Amen, sister. I’m so proud of you. I love you both.
You have a great way of explaining things! You are both in my prayers throughout the day (& night if I can’t sleep). God bless you both ❤️
Cindy Tripp
Praying for You both. I spent 3 months in the hospital when I was 22. I was afraid of everything. The unknown hit like bricks every time there was a new procedure, I was absolutely terrified. Not by the procedure but not knowing. At some point, much further into my journey I came to the realization of exactly what you are saying today. Things go wrong some days. You pick yourself up, try to live in the small victory of the moment. I found my best way to cope was to be kind and that is no problem for either of you. I learned in my journey the courage is fear that has said its prayers. You have so many of us that love you both and you are lifted in prayer by all of us. As people have said #fuckcancer
Much love to you!
Awilda Bravo
Stay in the present. Try not to think too much into the future. You guys are doing great. God bless!
So proud of you both! You give us words we all need to live by. Fear is paralyzing and it’s so unnecessary! We have to get out of our own head sometimes. Thanks for sharing something we can all identify with!
Katie k
Good evening! Let each moment you share together take your breath away! Your both are lovely inspiring people. Thank you for showing your love towards one another.
The past is ours. The future is what we make it. Live to the fullest. Many blessings!
John Butler
You 2 continue to inspire! Fear of the unknown is real but when you remember God’s got this, you can appreciate the precious moments in life! Love the fear acronym!
“John and Steph” love you guys and we are praying for you!
That port is going to make this journey just a little easier. He won’t have to be subjected to multiple needle sticks, just accessing at his treatments. It’s so weird to me that I found your videos when I did. We are going on a cruise and I have watched Ben & David. One night one of your videos popped up and I was an immediate fan of everything, the video work, the excitement ya’ll have, and then hearing your story that was so similar to mine as a child. I’m just a person on the internet but I really feel like I was supposed to see all of that when I did.
I am 100% invested in this fight and pulling for Sean. Part of becoming a survivor is your outlook and how you approach all of this. You both have so much positivity and radiate it in everything you do, this is no different.
Keep up the positivity. There’s magic in this world. Believe it or not, feel it or not….your thoughts and actions can influence and change the course of events. Nothing is predetermined. Life is a variable. Knowing this, we have the ability to change our course, however; we must believe in the power and simply go all in.
So proud of Stef! You got this! Love you guys, prayers as always 🙏
Gwenie Nelson
I had to laugh back when I got my port my husband was scared to touch my dressings also. But we tackle it every week. You will be all of Sean’s senses and instincts. Your going to be the one he screams at when he is frustrated and that is all it is. It’s not really at you. God has sent his Angel’s o be amongst to to catch you and put you back on your feet. We are your support team. You actually have the hardest job. Because you will want to fix Sean . But remember to take care of yourself first. Prayers and love to you both.
Ann Charavell
You are both so strong and brave. Thank you for sharing your journey. Medical professionals tend to forget that some of the words we use aren’t understood by normal people! Ask your questions and ask for explanations if you don’t understand. Pull out your phone and record conversations, explanations and verbal instructions. Read written instructions before you leave the office. Ask what prescriptions are being written along with instructions (pharmacies can mess up). Always ask for a phone number before you leave the office in case you have questions later. Find out who is “in charge” of Sean’s treatment if you have to see multiple doctors. If you have business cards, pass them out and collect theirs. All the names will run together. Get a notebook to keep your notes and all the medical papers together, along with lists of any medications and a running list of questions. Take this to all appointments. Don’t be afraid to make noise! You want them to know who you are as a patient/family and as people! Take care of yourself so you can be there for Sean! Healing prayers for both of you! ❤️