Day 78 – Hanging by a Thread
I have been struggling to write this update for sometime now. Struggling because the world is hurting. Hurting more than I ever thought possible. I write these updates through tears and my heart aches knowing that I am causing tears to flow from someone reading these posts.
So here’s what I am going to do with this update. I’m going to break this into two parts and I will let you decide which parts to read. If you are hurting right now, stick with the good. I feel like our mental well-being is hanging by a thread with the isolation we are living and good news is sometimes the best place to stay (if you haven’t seen SGN yet, do a search. You will cry the happiest tears as you watch all the good the world has to offer. It has seriously saved me from some of the worst days). If you feel compelled to continue to the sad, please know that I do not write with the intention of hurting anyone. I love you all. I wish I could hug everyone and tell you everything is going to be all right because it will be. The human spirit is strong and we will get through this dark time of COVID and come out stronger on the other side.
So this update is going to be like a choose your own adventure book (man, I really loved those books as a kid). I love you all!
The Good Stuff:
Sean’s cancer treatment is working! (Everyone at once….YAYYYY!) At this point we have been through four treatment cycles (that’s 60 days of chemo treatments) and each time the cancer markers drop more and more. Sean started this journey with his cancer markers at 29,741 and he is now down to 3,639. We are about to embark on treatment five and we are hopeful that the numbers will keep getting lower and lower.
Sean also had a CT scan (x-ray) on cycle four and we had some of the best news yet. Check out these numbers. Sean’s pancreas tumors decreased in size from 5 to 3.9, the lung tumors decreased 1.2 to 0.5, AND the best news of all, the liver tumors are GONE! (Again….YAYYYYYYY! You can do a dance if you want. I certainly did 😉)
We were so nervous for the CT scan but we were overjoyed with the results. I asked the doctor if the results were average or below average and he said Sean was above average in his treatment response. When he said those two words “above average”….well, I don’t think we have smiled that big in a very long time.
We went into treatment four with a little bounce in our step. It was the first time we felt like we had the possibility of beating this thing. A little spark of hope flowing through our body. A spark that has been missing since February 24th.
We head into cycle five tomorrow and I probably won’t be able to sleep tonight because I am so excited to see the new numbers. A feeling of hope mixed with a side of anticipation, belief and faith. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring but I do know that Sean and I will be there together. I hope our smile from cycle four grows even bigger when we get the numbers before we continue on to cycle five.
Now, here is your chance to close this page and think about the good that is happening with Sean. We are so thankful for each and every one of you. I know times are hard right now but things will get better. It won’t be today and it won’t be tomorrow but it will get better. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. You can do this and WE can do this together. Stay safe, stay healthy and give someone you love a call. I know it’s not the same as a hug but you have no idea how awesome it will be for the person on the other side (and it’s good for you too 😊) ♥️
The Sad Stuff:
When we first got the news of Sean’s diagnosis, we received so many messages. Amazing messages from all over the world. Messages about hope. Messages about strength. Messages about the fight.
Fight. It’s funny how a five letter word can sum up cancer so well. A word that describes the physical battle, the mental battle and the battle to not lose yourself in all the pain.
These past weeks have been really tough. The pain that Sean goes through rips the soul right out of my body. His anguish is unbearable and there is nothing I can do except sit there, rub his back and hold him while he cries.
Even with the aid of pain medications, the pain is intense and constant. Sean describes the pain like someone is descaling a fish inside his abdomen. It’s a bit graphic but it describes what is happening perfectly. The cancer cells are being stripped from Sean’s organs. Which, don’t get me wrong, is a great thing. I just wish it didn’t come with so much physical pain.
As I mentioned earlier, we are wrapping up on cycle four today (tomorrow we make the journey back to Mayo to start round five). This round actually started out pretty awesome. We had the best news from the numbers and the CT scan and Sean handled the treatment better this round than any other previous round. The doctor ordered atropine to be included to help with Sean’s negative reaction to the last drugs and it worked. Sean made it through to the end and was doing great. We strapped on his chemo pump and away we went.
We decided to come home after the treatment instead of spending the next 48 hours in a hotel room. We had some issues with cleanliness the last time we stayed in Jacksonville so I thought it was better to come home and not stress about COVID. It was the BEST decision ever. Not only did Sean have a great infusion, he was now able to rest and relax in his own home. And not just him, I was able to relax as well. I didn’t have to stress about – Did I clean that light switch good enough? Did I forget to clean that surface? Did I remember to pack the heating pads? Did I remember to pack the toilet seat cover? (this list goes on and on). I didn’t realize how much stress went into staying in Jacksonville for just two nights and it was nice to be safe in our home.
The next 48 hours went by smoothly. Sean was eating for the first time during a treatment, his pain was low and even though there was a radiation pump attached to his body, we felt like we were kings of the world. Any day where Sean is eating and laughing is a good day but during chemo treatment that good day changes to the most badass great day!
We drove back to Mayo on Friday, had the pump removed and back home we went. It was the best infusion yet. At this point we thought that maybe the worst was behind us. Could we have possibly made it over the hump and it’s now easy peasy from here on out?
[Insert the sound from the big red X being pushed in America’s Got Talent mixed with the sound of a creepy jack-in-the-box laughing at us]
Day three was the end of “happy” cancer days. From there things took a dive for the worse. The pain came back full force. The vomiting came back stronger than ever before. It felt like Sean’s quality of life went from an eight to a negative five in about two seconds.
I couldn’t stop crying thinking about how things went from such a high to such a low, in such a short amount of time. But that has been this ride. A series of ups and downs. Twists and turns. And all in the dark. You never know where the next piece of track is going to take you.
The sheer feeling of hopelessness washed over our home this past two weeks and it has been hard. I know the isolation is getting to me too. I broke down the other day…no, more like a psychotic break…I couldn’t stop shaking or crying because I kept thinking that this world was a dream. It had to be a dream because I haven’t talked to anyone physical in so long. Sean must be dead and I have to be sitting in the corner of a padded cell, in a psychiatric ward somewhere.
As I sat on the sofa listening to Sean throw up for the hundredth time, I kept looking around saying this isn’t real, this isn’t real, this isn’t real. Old memories would pop in my head and Sean’s image would just blow away right in front of me. I was trying my best to reach out and hold on to Sean as he was blowing away but he went right through my fingers…I was losing my mind.
(I sat there crying uncontrollably and then I felt this arm wrap around me and it was Sean. He was still there. He wrapped me in a blanket and sat there holding me until I stopped shaking.)
I never knew the mental impact this would have on us. Cancer already isolates you in itself but throw in social distancing and well, that’s just adding salt to the wound. It’s been hard this week. Really, really hard.
I also see the pain on Sean’s face as well. It’s hard to watch him look at himself in the mirror and not recognize who he is. He has lost so much weight (he is 166 lbs now). He is nothing but skin and bones and he doesn’t like what he sees. I assure him that we will work on the body portion after we get through the cancer but it doesn’t help the person that he looks at now. It’s just another constant reminder of this awful disease. It attacks everything. Your mind, body and spirit.
But through all this we push on. We push on because we know there are better days ahead. We even got a glimpse of better days by having the opportunity to work on a project for work. It was a short 3-day project but it was a nice distraction that helped us see that there is a world out there that we both belong in. A world that we have to keep fighting for. This fight has taken us to our knees but we will not give up. Through the pain, through the anguish, through it all, we will keep pushing forward with everything that we have.
I am writing this through tears so I know it is sad. I am sorry for the sadness. I wish I could take it all away for everyone. I am going to end this section just like I did the first –
I know times are hard right now but things will get better. It won’t be today and it won’t be tomorrow but it will get better. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. You can do this and WE can do this together. Stay safe, stay healthy and give someone you love a call. I know it’s not the same as a hug but you have no idea how awesome it will be for the person on the other side (and it’s good for you too 😊) We love you all! ♥️
Know that you are both still in my prayers and heart! I know this is an awful time for you – a sad & isolating time – but please – try to stay strong & safe! Now that Florida is opening back up – I worry so much for Sean – for everyone!! All we can do is try to believe that there is HOPE! Love you guys ❤️‼️
Nice message! and Hope has a Name, it’s Jesus. We are also praying.
Bill & Beth
maybe you are familiar with the song below “Hope Has A Name”
Peter Horton
I think you are doing tremendously well in light of everything that has been thrown at you both. I am so pleased the numbers are so good. All the best for the next session. Just stay strong and it will all be OK soon.
Christine x
Just want to send you both big gentle hugs, you will get through it 💜💜💜 xxx
Dawn Correll Cruz
Continued prayers for you and Sean. We pray for you everyday. Sean I am so sorry you are having so much pain. You will get through this it’s hard but you got this. ,💪
Jeremy Mikel
I am so thankful to have found you all on the internet years ago doing the cruise videos. I feel like I know you both even though you have not met me. I live in Florida as well. My heart broke when you announced the news of Sean having cancer. I am an Apostolic Pentecostal believer, my life is lived by faith and trust in the almighty God. If it wasn’t for the Lord in my life, guiding me, directing me, and leading me, I fear I would not be here today. When I sent you messages saying that I was praying, I want you to know I have prayed and prayed and cried right along with you. A lot of people say “prayers” and “I will pray”, when I say I am praying, I am truly taking time away from myself and devoting myself to prayer for you and Sean. You both are in my prayers daily and I often think about you both throughout the day. May God guide you through this battle and deliver you out in a mighty way! Just remember, God gets the glory!
Dawn Boyd
I know what you mean about it physically talking to anyone these days. Over the weekend a friend and I exchanged plants in her driveway. It felt so good to see her in person. Even at a distance. Just to talk about nothing. Some other friends and I did a zoom cocktail hour and it was fun talking to more than one person and just laughing. I wish I could take the pain away for you. I unfortunately have experience with cancer and my husband. So I again offer what I can and that is my love being sent to you.
I think of you both each week as you start the chemo cycle. I wish they could find drugs to at least combat all the damned side effects. While both of you are strong, I suspect there comes a time when you dont want to hear that. Saying prayers that ongoing sessions are less intense (side effects). Virtual ((HUGS)) to both of you!
Thank you for keeping your readers informed, no matter how painful. Your writing is beautiful Stef and the way you express your emotions is phenomenal. You are working through the pain and anguish with grace. Our hearts go out to you both and I so wish I could wave that magic wand and whisk it all away. Sending you both love, hugs and emotional support.
Debra Griffin
Well, I read through both sections even though it doesn’t take me much to cry on a normal day because I support you both in this fight 100%…good and bad. For what it’s worth, I think the way the both of you are tackling this is nothing short of amazing. For as much as Sean is going through, the helplessness you must feel is excruciating. My husband had aggressive prostate cancer and I felt like I was on the outside of a window I couldn’t get through to do anything. You two are always in my thoughts. I’m so proud of Sean for being so strong. A boxer may get beat up during the match, but the wounds heal when the fight is won. Keep fighting Sean and Stef. (((Hugs)))
I read the whole thing! You both amaze me through your honesty and willingness to show your vulnerability. There are just no words I can say to comfort you or to make things better. What I can say is you are so loved by so many because you are such beautiful people. You have touched our lives through your travel joys and continue to do so through your sorrows. We are here with you every step of the way…I pray things improve soon. Sending much love and support!
Patti Wetzel
I can’t say anything different than what all those people above me here have already said. Just know you are both on my heart constantly and I just continue to pray for you both. No one fights alone, and I can say that you two are NOT alone in your battle. Much love and hugs to you both. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗
Melissia Taziar
Hold onto the positive things that happen. In your darkest moments try to remember the good things that have happened recently and hold onto those and keep the faith that you will both get through this. Chemotherapy is so hard, I have had so many family members and friends go through it. If you can hold onto the little things that have gone well, they will carry you through the bad times. I think about you guys every day and pray that Sean will be healed. The fight he is putting in and the determination to not only get better but to also be there for you is one beautiful thing to come out of this awful experience. The love that he has for you Stef shows brighter now than ever before. He is fighting this for him and for you. Keep supporting him and when things are really bad, stop and remember something positive. Write something down where you see it in front of you and focus on that and block out the bad and evil. Prayers that tomorrow’s numbers are even better and that this round of chemo goes well and that you both have more good days than bad. —-Melissia Taziar
THeresa & Bill
Sean we are so sorry you are having so much pain. You will get through this. Know that the two of you are in our prayers. We send the both of you hugs. Keeping fighting and stay strong 💪. You got this,❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Ella Williams
My dear sweet Stefanie and Sean. I am crying with you, and it is painful, but it is also healing. Pray and breathe. Leaning on Jesus will get you through this. When you are rubbing Sean’s back, and holding him, that’s not nothing. It’s everything to him, because he knows he is not alone – you, his rock, his queen is by his side, fighting with him. Together. During these times, pray, and allow God to help you through this, because with Him, ALL things are possible. Let His strength be your strength. Your journey, albeit a horrendous one, has brought thousands of people together, leaning on God and praying for you, and that is amazing. Through all of this, you guys are inspiring, helping, and encouraging people to come together. Things will get better – not today or tomorrow, but they will, and we will all be better together. I know what you are facing, and I know the anguish and the feeling of helplessness all too well. Sean is doing amazing, but he is in a war within his body. Things sometimes have to get worse before they get better. Keep looking up, keep moving, and know that God is with you. Let Him carry you through. I love you, my sister and brother. You are part of my family, and everyone in my family know who you are, and they are all praying for you, as well as my church family. They are all rejoicing on the round 4 report, and are continuing to pray, too.
Alison Burt
Well the good was very very good and the bad was awful. Stef you are quite entitled to have dreadful days( as is Sean of course) but you are going to win this, believe it because we do. Loving thoughts winging your way from Brighton.
Vicki E Weston
Hi Sean and Stef you are both in my prayers. Thinking positive happy thoughts and better days ahead for you both really soon!
Nancy & Larry Marko
My God give both of you the strength it takes to beat the beast. Warm thoughts & prayers are headed your way each & everyday.
Debbi Chrissinger
Thank you for this update being both happy and being sad – this is so stressful for you both, but I know you will get trough this. My heart aches for Sean and everyone going through the awful dreaded cancer. It hurts to hear about his pain, but warms my heart hearing how the cancer is shrinking. You both are in my prayers.
Sean and Stef- I read the good, the bad and the ugly. Know that you are stronger than you may believe as evidenced through all that you have weathered thus far, and both your spirits shine on to comfort each other in this darkest of times. Stay the course, set the sails and remember the feel of the wind in your face as you march on to beat this nastiness of cancers. You are warriors and I admire your strength and courage. It’s okay to feel weak, to want to give up at times. That is when your strength will renew. Thinking of you and sending love, light and positive energy💜♥️
Leslie Eriksen
Awe Stef, you’ve been strong….so strong. It is hard on both the patient and the caregiver. How touching that Sean is still there to wrap you in comfort no matter what. That is truly a tale of love.
Susan W
Dear Sweet Stef and Sean,
It is indeed heartbreaking to hear of the wicked side effects that the chemotherapy causes. Just wanted you to know that I, (amongst many) continue to keep you both in my daily prayers. You are both strong. I know You can do this. These last weeks and months have sucked for y’all. You have the love of so many of your supporters.
I’m going to do what I can for you by continuing to send a small monthly donation via PayPal. I’m trying to send something periodically for your comfort and to hopefully make you smile. We don’t know each other but I would also like to volunteer to lend an ear 👂. Please reach out to me If you ever just want to blow off steam, talk about your hopes and fears, voice the toll this has taken, perhaps it would be easier to let some of that go to someone you don’t know.
I’m sincere in this offer. I believe you have my email so don’t hesitate to use it and I will return the message with my phone number. Stay strong 💪 and keep the faith…..you got this!
BW Sanderson
Hey guys!!! Just wanted you to know you are in my heart and prayers!!!
I have been through cancer with my 21 year old son. It’s a tough rode. That was 12 years ago and he is doing great❤️ You are truly in my thoughts and prayers. 🙏🏻
Keep up the fight! Sounds like you are winning. Many prayers for you both.
Oh my gosh, so sorry for Sean. At least the treatment is working but wow, the pain that has to be endured. God bless both of you. Praying for Angels to give you both some light and comfort.
Holly Lines
You don’t know me at all. But I am PRAYING for you and Sean. Thanks, Stef, for the update.
Kathleen Castillo
You are both braver than you know. Sean is such a superman and you, his wonder woman. I can’t wait to watch you both soar after this whole ordeal is over. I’m always thinking of you both and you are in my prayers. Much love, respect and a whole lot of virtual hugs coming at you – Kathleen Castillo
Gertrude Dimonnay
Dear Sean and Stef nothing I say can alleviate your pain I feel your pain but allow Jesus Christ to strengthen and comfort you guys as He is healing Sean with this Cancer. May the peace and love of God be upon you like never before.
I am praying for you and victory is ours be patient my friends. Thank you for letting us your fellow cruise addicts be part of this. I love you both in Jesus.❤️🙏🏾
And yet! And yet, even in your Sad Stuff there is something that pulls everyone of your readers into a Sean and Stef Club that none of us even thinks about bailing on. Your love and your hope and your determination spill out and over and change lives beyond your own. Keeping you both uplifted in my prayers.
Randall K. Harp
I dare not insult your arduous journeys — individual and shared — with mere words; only permit me to express my gratitude for inviting us into those journeys with your honest, insightful and vulnerable updates. So relieved and hopeful that Sean’s health seems to be headed in a better direction. God bless you both.