Day 14 – Finding a New Normal
We arrived in Jacksonville, FL this evening and settled into our hotel. Sean and I had a good laugh because even though we are here in Jacksonville for a not so great reason, we still love exploring new places. And this is a new place. We love checking out new hotels. We love driving around looking at new areas. I know. I know. We are strange. We have a sense of adventure that doesn’t go away, even in the worst of situations.
So here we are in Jacksonville, now what? We honestly have no idea. We don’t know what happens next and it’s not a great feeling. I think we would feel a little better with some kind of….something. I can’t even write what would make things easier because I have no idea what to expect.
When you go to the typical doctor, you know the questions to ask because you have either experienced the ailment or you know someone who has. With cancer, we are completely in the dark. It’s a strange feeling and it’s really hard to explain. It’s kind of like when you get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. It’s pitch black dark. No night lights. Nothing but darkness. And even though you have been to the bathroom a million times before, you still put your arms out so you don’t run into a wall or door. That blind feeling of being somewhere that should feel familiar but doesn’t. None of this situation makes sense to us. Even driving feels different. Like driving in a world that should feel familiar but feels stranger than ever.
I wanted to write this post so that I remember how it felt to not know anything about this situation. I know tomorrow the questions will be answered but tonight we are still blind and fumbling in the dark.
What am I feeling? Well it’s weird. It’s a weird feeling of blissful unawareness and absolute terror. The blissful feelings come when you think to yourself, this isn’t so bad. Sean seems great so things must be getting better. That blissful feeling is then crushed by 500 pounds of terror when you snap out of la la land and realize the severity of pancreatic cancer.
So what am I saying with all of this? I have no idea. I still don’t have coherant thoughts. I actually think it’s become worse since we left the hospital. My mind tends to wander to all kind of things. I think about what the future looks like and then I remember back to the best times Sean and I have had together. I will find myself working on our taxes and all of a sudden I have tears streaming down my face because my mind has wandered to a sweet memory.
So what is our new normal? I don’t know but I’ll let you know when I find it.
Marilyn Resto
We are always thinking of you and keeping in our thoughts and prayers always!
Thoughts and prayers are there for you guys. ❤️❤️
Deb Griffin
I went to Jax for the first time in January. Ate at a cute little place called Ida Claires. Not sure if Sean is up to eating out or where that is in relation to where you are. Keep your sense of adventure. It’s not weird at all. It’s making the most and best out of your situation. (((Hugs)))
Guys, Let the tear flow! Holding it back isn’t good for anything. It helps your mind move forward. Love you! #loveup
Carrie H
Your new normal is right now. Right this very second. It’s knowing how much every moment counts. And when Sean beats this, you’ll live life even more, because you know how precious life truly is.
You and Sean are always in my thougts and prayers. Never stop being adventurous that’s what I love about you guys. Sending hugs
Serous & MiA
I just tear up every single time I look at your post. You guys were one of the very reasons My Husband and I became YouTube creators We are standing strong for you’ll.
Peace and Blessings 😘😘
Jen Peden
When my son was critically ill years ago.. (Gods grace he is 28 now.. and lives near y’all actually! Works at EA Sports) but he was gravely ill.. too sick to make the chopper flight to Mayo in Minnesota…
It was like a fog. A continuous fog.. like.. we still laughed at times.. life continued around us.. but everything was just not clear. I prayed.. pleaded..cried.. even one COMPLETE nervous breakdown in front of a McDonalds on a busy Milwaukee street when I had to be taken from his room to catch a shower at home.
It was that moment all became clear. Fight.. and keep fighting. Let the Lord do the rest, whatever the outcome.
I pray for your fog to be lightened.. and your path shown… cuz I know y’all have the fighting part down.
Continuing to pray for you both. We are praying you guys have a restful/peaceful night. That tomorrow your questions are answered and a clear path is laid out for you. May God keep your anxiety level low and your level of peace high.
“You will keep in perfect peace whose mind is fixed on you”. Isaiah 26:3
Love and prayers from Kansas City. #seanandstephstrong
June Thomas
God bless you all
Praying for you guys everyday. Stay strong 🙏🥰❤
Theresa & Bill
We are praying for you guys everyday. Stay strong you got this.🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️