  >  Daily Journals   >  Day 9 – A Little More Clarification

Things have been pretty good the last couple days. I would almost say that it felt like old times. Sean and I having breakfast, sharing laughs over a cup of coffee and then heading back to our office to do some work. These past days played out like a million days before. And, it was really nice.

The one thing about good times, they go by so fast. And unfortunately these past 2 days flew by faster than fast. It seemed that 4 days ago, time wouldn’t go fast enough and here I was wanting time to stop. I want to keep every hour I can with Sean. Every second. Even when Sean takes a shower, I feel like too much time has passed without him. Like I have mentioned before, time doesn’t feel the same anymore.

But time keeps marching on and today it was time to see the doctor again. There were only a few things I wanted today. I wanted to make sure Sean got more pain medication, I wanted to know the biopsy results and I needed to get all of Sean’s patient charts, x-rays, etc. to take to Mayo on Monday.

The doctor appointment went fine. Our doctor, Dr. Venar is really nice and he seems to actually care about Sean (that sounds weird right? Shouldn’t all doctors care about their patients? In our experience, most doctors don’t care) But not Dr. Venar. He has been really great. Sean did get more pain meds (enough to last until Mayo) and we got all the paperwork info we needed. We also got a final confirmation of Sean’s diagnosis – highly aggressive Stage 4 cancer.

It wasn’t a great day but it was a day with more clarification than we had yesterday. Every piece of information helps us figure out the treatment Sean will need to fight this. (boy wouldn’t it have been nice to walk in and hear him say, we made a huge mistake. This was all a misunderstanding.)

So it may not have been a great day, as far as the disease goes, but there were some amazing things that happened today:

1. We had friends from Nashville drive down, just for the afternoon, to hang out with Sean. This was so special. Seeing Sean joke and laugh was priceless. Thank you so much to the Great 8 for coming all the way to Orlando just to say hey. It was amazing to meet the new family and to let us be part of some joy for the day. You guys have no idea how much that meant to us.

2. A YouTube video was posted and was the sweetest and most heart warming thing we have ever been part of. Thank you to everyone that was part of the video. We are forever grateful for each and every one of you. We are honored to know you all! Your words inspire us and drive us to keep fighting.

I think this will most likely be the last post (maybe, who knows. I seem to say that a lot here lately and end up writing a huge novel, haha) until we head to Jacksonville on Sunday. Thanks to everyone for the messages and comments. I haven’t had time to respond but know that I have read them all. Thank you for all the tips, words of advice, love, compassion and kindness. ♥️🥰♥️

Next stop…Mayo Clinic ➡️


  • Jen Peden

    March 5, 2020

    Safe travels to Jacksonville.. love and light always.

    • Najuma

      March 5, 2020

      💖💜💖 love you guys

  • Kathy

    March 5, 2020

    Stay stong. Keep moving along. You are both awesome and we all love you

    • Lori Gonzales

      March 6, 2020

      Gods blessing and grace thru this difficult time

  • Susan

    March 5, 2020

    It’s a wonderful place “Mayo Clinic “ I love reading these posts so I do hope you continue them. It help me put my life in perspective….of course I’m supposed to be here for you and as always you end up being there for me even though you don’t know it❤️❤️ Don’t give up #seanandstefstrong

  • Heidi S

    March 5, 2020

    Alex trebek posted his one year update. This will be you guys next year. Sean has youth on his side. One day at a time and breathe.

  • March 5, 2020

    Still keep you guys in our prayers daily and thinking about you often. Just drove past the Mayo Clinic tonight on our way home from shopping. My husband said “That’s where Sean and Steph will be Monday”. Probably wouldnt have noticed it or thought twice about it, we drive past it all the time in Jacksonville today it just seemed to stand out to us both. Stay positive and remember take a notebook to take notes on things you learn at the May Clinic. Write down your questions so you dont forget them. Praying for a safe drive and trip Sunday/Monday. (there is some construction on several of the highways in the Jacksonville area, so leave with plenty of time and drive careful.

  • March 5, 2020

    Hiyou ,two we love you ! Hope things going better I so know wha5 ur going thru when they toldr I had the aggressive Her2 breast cancer añd I only had like 8 months to live like every I watched in my life I treasuerd I hope you both hang in there you got this you can beat this every thing will be ok I have prayed and cried for you God bless you both he has you both in his arms protecting you ❤️🙏 love you both

  • Cruising with Sherridan Brown

    March 5, 2020

    We are praying for you both.🙏🙏🙏

  • Theresa & Bill

    March 5, 2020

    We are praying for you guys daily. Safe travels on Sunday. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • Sharon

    March 6, 2020

    Thinking of you both as you head to the Mayo. Thank you for sharing this very personal and emotional journey with us!
    Sending love & light
    Sharon & Chris
    Toronto, Canada

  • Carolyn Bickel

    March 6, 2020

    Safe travels. I hope Mayo has a great plan for you to beat this. Stay strong and keep a positive attitude. You can do this!!! You are in my prayers.

  • Joseph Richardson

    March 7, 2020

    It’s been said that every life is a Shakespearean tragedy, with passages of comedy mixed in for good measure. While we all envision a 3 act play, that is unfortunately not meant to be for all of us. The one great thing you can hang your hat on is that you have had more of the comedy mixed in (with a bit of rom-com 😛 ) than most plays ever written. If life truly is a journey, you are blessed by the fact that both you and Sean are seasoned in the world that can be enchanting and daunting, and I’m sure some of that skill will serve you well in the days ahead. The late great Warren Zevon had a tribute album put out after his unfortunate passing entitled “Enjoy Every Sandwich”, a favorite saying of his, and a motto I live by as my wife and I live by as we have both witnessed the premature passing of some great people. It looks to be already the case, but all we can do is treasure those moments we have with the ones we love, and realize that those moments are fleeting, even in the best of times. BTW, we live in Tampa, and while I am sure life is about circling the wagons in times like these, do not hesitate to reach out should the need arise. You and Sean are what we call “good people” and will have more love and good karma spread your way than most 3 act play could ever engender. Peace

  • Judith Lawtie

    March 7, 2020

    Hiya Sean and At ed, I will be praying for you both, sending much love Jude

  • March 8, 2020

    I’m in awe of you both ! Truly amazing people! Strange right, as I’ve never met you but your true selves comes across in your videos . I’m luck to have found your channel so thank you for the amazing content. Love and hugs coming your way from across the pond in UK. You may not believe this now, but you will get through this, keep on loving each other 😍❤🥰


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